Those are two Texas critters. The big seated one is a big horn sheep, and the tusked one is a feral pig. Wonder how they got so far north?
Okay, back to the original topic of this post. I have heard back from several people about murmurations in our area.Apparently,with they do happen in our area (Massachusetts), but not on such a grand scale. Mostly starlings and tree swallows. Hopefully I'll have the luck to be present when one happens!
Fingers crossed forya, Cayu. It is unforgettable, and something i never get tired of seeing. Hey, you called me a card--but it's no big deal really.
So I posted a text about murmurations on our local town area website. Many people have responded! The gist seems to be that people in New England have very occasionally seen murmurations but not on the scale as in Europe and less frequently in recent years. One woman sent a recording in her backyard of black birds gathering on the trees and cackling their heads off. Not exactly a murmuration! Maybe I'll get lucky sometime and see one. They seem to happen at dusk and over a body of water, right?
Well, they happen at sun-up and sun-down...not necessarily over a body of water...just in the vicinity of where they will roost.