All In A Day's Work

Discussion in 'Fruit and Veg Gardening' started by Sjoerd, May 14, 2009.

  1. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Hi Netty--Thanks for your very nice comment. I will be happy to post the simple recipe for making the mashed potatos, turnip greens and small bacon fat cubes--should I do it on this thread, or in a PM?

    Emma Jane-- I have a little bit of bother with the flea beetles, but not can see a few holes in the leaves, but not too many There is a weed that is abundant here and they seem to flock to that and so, not too much to my greens. I always leave a few around to keep the flea beetle's attention diverted.
    Gooseberry in standard form is a good idea--I believe that I saw that on Gardners' World a while ago too. It's a handy way to make good use of your space.
    Greeat that your lottie is looking ship shape....but is it also Bristol fashion? ;)
    As for peas...I noticed that my peas already have a few pods (I germinated them at home on the window sill--cheating, I know.) Those peas are barely a foot high and already in flower and fruit. I am surprised.

    Kuntrygal--I'm delighted that you like my pics and stories. It's heartwarming to hear.
    I am also glad you liked the stroll and our little town. I enjoy walking it's narrow streets and thinking back through history.

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