Always Wear your Seat Belts

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Biita, Dec 5, 2007.

  1. Calomaar

    Calomaar Deputy's Friend

    Mar 2, 2007
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    Land O' Lakes, Wisc. Z - 3b/4a
    There was a time, when I was younger, that I fought wearing seatbelts. A friend was killed by his seat belt. It cut him almost in half at the waist, in a very violent crash. And who can say, he may not have survived with out the belt on. However it's now law here, and I have reconsidered and wear them. There is still a freedom of choice issue going on here though, and while wearing them may be the right choice, I firmly believe it should be exactly that, a choice, not a law.... Stepping down from my soap box now, I sure am glad for you and your family that he was wearing his seatbelt, and it all turned out well. I was going to make some comments on studded tires here, but I'll save that for another time.
  2. Primsong

    Primsong Young Pine

    Apr 15, 2006
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    Holy cow - I am so glad to hear he is all right! Very frightening for all of you, I'm sure o.o

    The wandering coffee cup makes me remember when I was younger and we lived in Colorado - hit a slick spot and tipped over into a snowbank on the side of the road, the main thing we noticed was a green cake that we'd brought home as leftovers from a St. Patrick's Day party flying around....we were fine, but there was green cake all over the inside of the car.
  3. Biita

    Biita Arctic-ally Challenged Forager

    Oct 31, 2007
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    Calomaar, I'm sorry to hear that about your friend, but if remember right it was because of seatbelts that just had the lower buckle that caused so much damage to people that the top half was added. The death rate dropped significanlty with the top added by keeping the body more firmly in place an less pressure to the torso. but then again there are the down sides i guess to everything made. And ofcourse its the law to wear a seatbelt, but i guess if you don't want ot need one there is always the chance of trying not to get a but thats the beauty of freedom of choice, to be a rebel or not...

    Bethie i agree, i had a friend in Alabama when i lived there, her son just got his licence, a month later was driving the truck, no seatbelt, swerved off the road to avoid a deer an is now paralysed from the neck down.

    Primsong,,lol, that is funny but not funny at all when it actually happens,, KB's first thought was (i will say it in norwegian the beginning cause its cussing) Fy faen, now i have to clean up all that coffee!! until he got out an seen there was basically no way that car was ever going to drive again.

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