Toni, I have the same story. I have gobs of projects in quilting, crocheting, gardening, etc waiting to get done. My ideas come faster than I can do them. I am sticking to my story too.
I'm a quilter,or at least I was until a while ago.I think I quilted during winter of 2010 & 2011.I had a stroke May 2011 & the following winter I couldn't seem to concentrate on which fabric to put where.I probably always had ADD but it got worse after stroke.I have lots & lots of fabric.I just can't bear to part with a lot of it. Who knows,I might see a quilt in a magazine & think "I could do that' ,I have fabric similar"I doubt my right hand would stand much hand quilting due to arthritis.The fabrics & piecing was the part I adored. I will go back & look at Toni's pictures when I have time to drool. Funny how gardening & quilting & cats all go together! My flower beds are like patchwork.I always favored the scrappy type quilts. Lots of color & red was a favorite. sNs
I did say "try" I know what you mean about the creative juices. I started a project making some huge diamonds and because the colours I chose haven't worked as I thought they would I'm looking for everything else under the sun to do so I don't have to do any more diamonds.Not sure whether I will abandon the original plan completely at the moment and come back to them at a later date and use the blocks I already have for something different.I will have to wait for inspiration to strike though.