Are you a city kid or a country kid ?

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Tooty2shoes, Jul 15, 2011.

  1. Reeseewi

    Reeseewi New Seed

    Jul 5, 2011
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    I mainly grew up on a non-working farm in Wisconsin ever hear of a small town called Pine River anyone. We moved there when I was 5 years old from Ill. My dad was from Iron River , WI. Mom from MN . We also lived in many other places I went to school in a one room school house until they shut it down and was one of the lucky kids who got to move stuff to a new school right across the road. I have moved so many times and told my hubby I never want to move again, been married 42 years and so far we moved 4 times but all in the same area. I live near Wild Rose another small town pop of 786 during the summer.
    Tooty2shoes likes this.
  2. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    Jerry I know a lot of people who probably have never been involved with farm animals like yourself. I enjoyed reading what you wrote. Ever think of becoming a writer? Thanks for sharing.

    Fatbaldguy yes it is very mysterious how those gardens seem to grow bigger from one year to the next. :rolleyes: Garden Gnomes maybe? Ya, retirement. Do they call it that because you are more tired from all the projects you now do then when you where working. :D

    Reeseewi I can't believe you grew up in Pine River. We just drove threw there this last Sunday. My mom & step-dad use to have a home just off of E. on North Twin lane. We us to go too all the little town around Red Granite. I bet you have shopped at Moiser's Discount store in downtown Red Granite. We think Pine Rive is such a quaint little town. Small world :-D
  3. EJ

    EJ Allotmenteer Extraordinaire

    Jan 10, 2006
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    I grew up in Sutton, Surrey, a large town on the outskirts of SW London however I spent a large amount of my childhood in North Devon where my nans family originate. (Dad was from south London and mums dad was a true Eastender). We were lucky as we were only a short journey from rural countryside.

    When I first left home, I moved to Epsom Downs, where The Derby horserace is held. We overlooked the downs, which was stunning early in the mornings, with a low mist and watching the horses on the gallops. Epsom is a smaller town deeper in Surrey and surrounded by the countryside.

    Then I met Mark and we bought a house together just outside Maidstone in Kent. We were in a teeny village surrounded by farmland and we had nearly an acre of garden - however, it was never a happy home, we had traumas and were always broke, so we sold up and moved to Essex, Marks home county.

    I LOVE Essex. We now live in a little village surrounded by gorgeous countryside but are just a 10 minute drive from Chelmsford, our county town. We have a huge common owned by the National Trust, which is a haven for wildlife and we have Hyde Hall, an RHS garden right on our doorstep. This however will not be our final home. We are already talking about perhaps moving to France or perhaps back to Devon when the kids are older. Who knows what the future holds for us.
    Tooty2shoes likes this.
  4. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    EJ it sounds like a wonderful place to live. I have always enjoyed the BBC movies. Especially ones that include quaint villages and beautiful countryside with the stone fences. I can see why you love it so. :stew1:

  5. Reeseewi

    Reeseewi New Seed

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Yeb, I did shop at Mosiers alot of neat stuff there. I also shopped at The General Store in Pine River which is now The Golden Nugget. Remember buying ice cream at the General Store after Sunday School. We go there ocassionaly now just to check on the family in the grave yard past the Church we went to my nephew lives on the family farm now . Remember the Fergusons.
    Tooty2shoes likes this.
  6. AAnightowl

    AAnightowl Young Pine

    Apr 29, 2011
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    I grew up in a large city, but my parents were forever looking for a place in the country. I was grown and married before they found anything remotely country. My mother's family are farm people. I now live in the country for the last 20+ years. This is the longest I have lived anywhere. You can keep the cities, no thanks. I love living in the country and hope to never move from here unless in a pine box as one of you said.
    Tooty2shoes likes this.
  7. Annette

    Annette Seedling

    Mar 10, 2007
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    buffalo, ny
    i was born in the city, but spent most of my childhood as a beach i'm back in the city...i do love it...where i got my green thumb, i do not mom couldn't grow a weed! neighborhood is fairly quiet, and my back yard is like a little hide away.....and this summer....the street lights go out every ten minutes or so....(i'm not calling them in!) so when it gets really dark, looks cool when the solar lights & tiki torches & fire pit are all light up!.....wouldn't trade it for anything.
    Tooty2shoes likes this.
  8. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    Annette: would love to see what your gardens look like. The torches sound really neat. You growing where you are planted. :stew1:
    Annette likes this.
  9. Annette

    Annette Seedling

    Mar 10, 2007
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    buffalo, ny
    am working on pictures,'s funny, but i have a plaque in my bathroom that says -bloom where you are planted-!
    Tooty2shoes likes this.
  10. Karrma

    Karrma In Flower

    Jul 24, 2011
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    Western Washington State
    countricity girl

    I grew up on a suburban 3 acres in Bremerton, Washington. 2 acres of woods and wildlife, and one acre that my dad would putter in after work and weekends. The apple stayed really close to the tree, so I have a half acre, suburban, to putter in after work. Nine times out of ten when we take a trip, it is to the mountains, rivers or oceans, so mostly country. But I grew up listenin to my mom play violin for the symphony, and drag my husband up to the city for music and plays and dancing.
    Tooty2shoes likes this.
  11. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    I'm a country girl. I grew up on an island and have lived in or near the countryside almost all my life. I have lived in cities or town for shorter periods of time. I sort of liked that too, but I'm happiest in the country.
    Tooty2shoes likes this.
  12. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    Karrma and Droopy;
    Both of your locations have such beautiful scenery with the mountain ranges that are there.

    Droopy growing up on an island sounds so neat.

    I to grew up in the city with a country girl heart and my hubby grew up on a farm and is still very much a country boy. But we both love mountains so maybe when we retire we will look for a place in either Wash., Oregon, or some other beautiful area that has them. Thanks for sharing. :stew1:
  13. Philip Nulty

    Philip Nulty Strong Ash

    Nov 25, 2010
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    The Midlands,Ireland
    I was born outside the pale as we say here,..about four mile outside the city in a small village and across the road from the National Botanic Gardens where my father worked.

    I left home very young and went to work as an assistant game keeper on a large country estate,..but it was quickly noticed i had a fondness for gardening,..and became an assistant to the head gardener.

    Reading about far off countries fascinated me and i discovered that were i to join the military i could do so,..that i did and ended up in Africa at a very young age,..then the Middle East on four trips of 6 months.

    Remaining in the Army for 13 years still didn't quell my urge to travel,..and i am still heading off to foreign lands as ofter as possible,..but returning to the outskirts of a small farming town in the Midlands,Ireland where i have lived for the past 18 years,..i have gone native, :) and love the peace and quiet of this location.
    Tooty2shoes and Karrma like this.
  14. gfreiherr

    gfreiherr Young Pine

    Oct 12, 2009
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    Knoxville, Tennessee
    I grew up in the Garden State... on the "Jersey Shore" way before they decided to create a series on reality TV.

    We have always lived in the suburbs. I enjoy being near a city but prefer the peace and quiet of the country. Our community borders a farm and I can see & hear the cows mooing in the pasture. It's the country life for me!
    Tooty2shoes likes this.
  15. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    gfreiherr; we can also hear the neighbors beef cows mooing and love the country life.

    Philip sounds like you have had quit an interesting life. My son was in the Navy for a few years and was able to see Turkey and the Baltic's. He was really glad he was able to see other parts of the world. It gives one an appreciation for what you have at home.

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