Gee, I don't know, Stratsmom. Our gardens are not organized and are what some might call "random" (or even "good heavens, what were they thinking!"). We stick in turtle sculptures, gargoyles, ammonites, and anything else that strikes our fancy. Each garden reflects its gardener, and whatever you have, organized or not, shows that you are in your garden, care for your garden, and enjoy your garden!
Something else joined the collection today......'Olly' the styalised (is that a word) owl. I am happy with our small collection and would be content if the patio contained nothing but ferns, hostas, and our choice of ornaments. Call me a Grumpy old man if you like but I don't go looking for's an easy life for me.
Hi Raddang,..not naff at all,..i really like ornaments in a garden though they wouldn't be seen with all my tall plants,..i love those busts you have,..the Asian one,..the Buddah and the Easter Island Head,..not forgetting the Owl,..that Pump is a nice addition as well,..the Ferns look great in your pots ================================================================================== Hi Islandlife,..very attractive Asian Theme,.. beautiful scene you have set,..everywhere,..the picture of the Pagoda would convince anyone that it was from an Asian Garden, have me wanting Wind Chimes, them and can not understand why i don't have them. ================================================================================== I only have two ornaments in my garden,..a cat that Stratsmom sent me way back,..named Orieo,..he moves about so he can be seen, an Asian Water Theme,..never plugged in though. Orieo,..the Cat. The Water Feature.
Philip Nulty, I like the look and lushness of your garden, I will post a pic later of my little backyard patio for comparison Islandlife, Olly is not concrete, just made to look like that. I think he is just a cast resin composite but quite heavy enough to stay put.
I have one wind spinner that a friend gave me but it doesn't make you dizzy when it turns! Thank Goodness!! I couldn't take that.
Those are very colorful and eye catching,..hypnotic really lol,..i imagine were they in a garden they would scare off the Crows,..they would be great for children's parties.
Not really an ornament but my bird feeding station was getting very shabby (and much chewed by the squirrels) so I invested in a completely new one. Containers are claimed to be sqirrel proof. We shall see, my local residents could break into the bank, given time.
Wow, RD I love a the garden art. Your ferns are lovely and one of my favorites in my garden. But I am rethinking the ferns. At present they are talking over my back flower garden along the back of our lower deck. 3 years ago they where fewer and far between. Now one can not see the Hosta that they have buried. I am finding them in places that they where never growing before. I'll see how silly they get and move some if possible. I only have three things in my back garden. A flamingo that needs a paint job, and two cranes. I love cranes and am always looking to add to the small flock. Here are a few pic's of the birds and ferns.
All very nice Tooty2shoes and good pictures too. I have an old railway embankment at the end of my patio garden which is covered with mature trees and shrubbery, all green. The main plants on my patio are ferns and hostas, so more green. I just find the greens of nature so cool and restful.....
@Tooty2shoes - Lovely hostas and I quite like your sedums too. Can see what you mean re: flamingo. It could benefit from a splash of pink @Raddang - Very interesting set up you have. Hopefully it'll be squirrel proof - BUT ?!?! I guess time will tell. Nice to have all the feeders in one location too. Makes for easy viewing.
Raddang,..those are fantastic feeders and they do look Squirrel Proof,..they are clever little creatures so i wouldn't be at all surprised if they get some system to poke out food, should be interesting to watch how frustrated they behave with the new feeders.
Philip, the problem will be the Kits. They are a little smaller than a rat and can get through smaller holes. Trouble is, if they gorge too much, they can't get out.