I wish I had a few dandelions around today. Seems I have been bitten or stung by some little varmint! Doesn't really hurt much, but is swollen and "itchy". Where's a darn weed when you need one??
Well, this isn't bee sting relief anymore, but the power of DANDELIONS.... I am not allergic to poison ivy, but KEVIN is very allergic!!!! Spreads like wild fire over him. Last week he had a ditch cleaning job to do and ended up with a couple of spots on his arm and leg. So I said "let me put this on you" and pulled a dandelion and dabbed the sap on all the bumps. Do you know it didn't spread nor did it itch anymore!!!! This week you cannot see where the spots were at. the only thing that the sap does leave is a laytex like dirty spot, because any dirt clings to it before the sap is totally dry, but that is much better than the itchy spreading rash everywhere!!!
My grandmother (born 1885 on Vancouver Island) used to rub dandelion flowers on my stings from stinging nettles when I was little. It eased the sting but looking back (nearly 60 years later) I don't know if the dandelion flower had medicinal properties or if she was just distracting me. She was part Coast Salish.
I never knew this! I certainly have plenty of dandelions. I will try it on the May fly bites which I'm allergic to. It would be nice if the dandelion sap would act as a first line of defense.
So if you get stung do try this. I had the bee inspector here just the other day, and my bees were nasty, he got stung many times on his hands, so I pulled out a dandelion and dabbed it on his stings and instantly there was relief for him.