Zigs…. Well… Captain Neem Oil your a very strong influence in many ways… especially when it comes to greenhouse or garden pests. Always appreciate your support in my garden.
Looks like the Princess of Wales conservatory at Kew Logan Went there many years ago when it had just opened, not seen it in all it's glory yet.
Well Pac, Spike and Prickle seem really apt to me - a very strong contender. Any more ideas before I award the next prize....... A lovely tray of cakes!
It is They had a Welwitshia there when I visited (Think it was in 1992) Can't find any reference to it now so I think it might have died https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Welwitschia_mirabilis(2).jpg
Result !! The prize goes to @Pacnorwest for Herbert Spike and Mrs Prickle....Captain Neem Oil will be well pleased.
Gosh, Tetters is talented! Congrats on your new helpers. Lovely bloom, @Zigs! I had to put my glasses on to read the name tags on your seed bags. First round I read The-loco-phala, and Mammilaria grusomii. Even for a non-cactus-person like me those names sounded awfully wrong.