I think you were quite brave Sjoerd....I might do the same thing as you did with the photos. My husband is allergic to stings so I do all the bee work around here. Sherry
Well Droopy, I think that I might have been able to lie underwater, but I would have had to sink into the mud a bit. It would have been an exciting solution. Personally, I'm glad that I didn't have to put my plan in action. I took some fotos of people walking across the river carrying their bikes on their backs and it seems like it was about knee deep. That was before the rhino emerged from the undergrowth. Actually Gardengater, I think that I DO have some fotos of that rhino. But they are slides taken with a SLR camera. This winter I am planning on beginning the conversion of my slide shows into digital images placed on DVD's. If it turns out good enough to show here, I will try and remember to post it. I'm glad that you folks enjoyed the story. It started off as a "bee story", but the rhino thing was something that we had not thought of at all when we were picnicing down by the river.
Gotta say Sjoerd, I laughed out loud at your bee and rhino story, I know I shouldn't, but I did! Honestly, there but for the grace of god and all that. I love those sorts of tales.
heh heh heh... thanks EJ-- I laugh too...now. I guess that crazy stories are a side benefit of travelling on your own. You can sometimes not see the humour at the moment--but it comes (providing you survive the saga ).