Daniel there is an attachment for these camera feeders on Amazon. I was ordering bird food and spotted this.
I think you are right! Those other birds left too many messes for me. Plus now, I think they have enough to eat naturally around here. I also feed hummers all winter, they come to the feeder outside the kitchen sink window. My first attempt with this, I attached the hummingbird feeder to the perch platform that cam with the bird cam. it was very quickly discovered by ants, which climbed in and drowned, clouding and fouling the sugar water. The feeder has an ant-preventer that works if it is suspended. I moved the feeder closer to the cam. That is helping. I also found an app that captures video stills. I think this is better than what I was doing before.
The hummers are hitting the feeder most of the time now that temps have warmed. Anna's Hummingbirds are the only hummingbirds to stay in Oregon year-round, bringing a dash of bright pink to our wet winters. Soon hummer babies will hatch as the hummers continue to pick up their feeding periods.