Love the way the heron streamlines its body when in flight Kildale. And the lovely colours of the Killdeer. The trailing edges of its wings look like an aircrafts flaps when landing.......but maybe that is where the aircraft design came from.
Am loving all the photos! They are all terrific. Love to see the birds "freeze framed" in flight as it is something you can't see with the naked eye. Have a few myself - will have to get them out of storage
Our mockingbirds perform a "throw yourself in the air" dance to attract a mate. This bird nearly tired himself out before he got lucky. It's not exactly flight, but he is up in the air!
I would love to have seen the whole aerial dance of your Mockingbird Jane. Your photograph is superb.
Y'all are too kind! I have shown your posts to my husband, and he is preening himself (yes, birdie pun) about his photographic abilities. He is out with his camera, trying to capture more birds in flight, or just photograph them--birds are playing shy today.
Was crossing my mind too yesterday when I saw some of the photos in this thread to get out there and snap a few photos of the birds (BUT the weather is not being nice here - pelting down rain and now threatening SNOW so will have to wait and see what I can get)
This is a poor image of a Bittern in flight. It was a long way off across marshes on the local RSPB reserve. You often hear bitterns 'booming' in the reeds but seldom see them so I had to keep this shot as a rare sighting. Edit: I found this short vid of a bittern on the RSPB site. They are rare with an estimated 80 breeding males and 800 overwintering birds in the UK.
Here are a few birds in flight for your enjoyment. Get off my feeder! Hairy, ready for takeoff. Osprey. Mother and daughter getting ready for the long trek south. Landing gear down. Check! Mr Badazz.
I have to say Rad, your pics are very crisp. I have such bad closeup eyes it's very hard for me to keep changing settings, and then rip my glasses off to get the shot. Most of my photos are taken either in the auto mode, or sports setting. I also never take my 300mm lens off. Someday I'd like to get a good wide angle tho.
@LIcenter. I too have increasing visual problems particularly in low light or low level illumination. As far as possible I do pre-set things like shutter speed and focus. This speeds up the cameras time to fire the shutter. I also set for multiple frames. An inexpensive Fuji that I use will fire up to 16 times per second, that way you are almost certain to get at least one good shot. Here is another amusing one of how birds streamline when in flight. This Great Tit is leaving the nest box like a bullet.
I have one of a Baltimore oriole that looks like a spaceship. I have never set my Nikon D5000 to the burst mode. Guess it's time to read the manual with all that tiny print in it.