I'm sorry for you Danjensen. Sherry, that squirrels's beautiful! I've never seen one of those either. Ours are all red. I hope it stays with you.
Sherry he is so cute. When I was a kid the place we went camping had black squirrels. There are several towns in our area that have them. So glad he decided to dine at your place.
Thank you... He was back a few days ago...sitting on the same tray feeder. Then he decided to climb our tallest tree and he would go out on the branches to see if they would hold him....I was hoping that he would build a nest in it . Then he climbed on my large wooden swing for a while and then he wanted a drink and was going to the bird bath but a gray squirrel chased him out of the yard...he was bigger than the gray squirrel but they must not be as brave.