Gfreiherr I love Blue birds. We have many nesting boxes for them on our property. Great photo of them. You can also put out dried mealy worms which they love.
Now I tried the dried meal worms a few years ago and I had a special blue bird feeder by my blue bird house for them and they never touched them....I ended up throwing them away . I had bluebirds then but my dried meal worms were not liked...and I just couldn't keep the live ones here....I am wondering if they were just bad when I bought them.
Thanks for the info Sherry & Tooty. I have never tried the meal worms. I have not had a problem with house sparrows, so far they have not found my feeders. I was reading that bluebirds don't usually go to feeders because their beaks cannot crack the seed. This mixture has mostly hulled seeds.