
Discussion in 'Member's Gallery' started by Philip Nulty, Sep 26, 2011.

  1. KK Ng

    KK Ng Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2009
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    Malacca, Malaysia.
    Philip, Jelly Fish is lovely boat and it looks like my first boat. Bayliners make beautiful boats and they had set up a factory here in this country sometime ago. I had another boat a couple of years back and had a real bad experience with it. There is no facilities at all for boating here like launching ram, berthing facilities or marina. Here is just a park at your own risk.

    It is very high risk to leave a boat unattended by the river especially if one is not a resident nearby which I am not. Knowing that very well I decided to take a risk got myself a real basic boat just for fishing to the nearby islands just a couple of kilometers from the coast line. I guess I was thinking that if I can get to know the people there where I am going to park my boat and if it is save, I would be able to upgrade to something more comfortable.

    The situation was fine for the first couple of days after I took delivery of my new boat and I thought the people there were "friendly". Just after one week I found my boat submerged in the river with the drain plug missing. I asked around and nobody seems to know anything. When I said I am not going to retrieve it but to sell it real cheap, most of them were interested. Not wanting to give them the satisfaction, I sold it back to the boat builder at 30% of my cost.

    It is fun to have a boat, but when there is no facilites, it is a real pain.

    I have no idea what the gold coin is about and should I get another boat, I'll make sure there is a gold coin abroad.
  2. Philip Nulty

    Philip Nulty Strong Ash

    Nov 25, 2010
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    The Midlands,Ireland
    Hi KK NG,
    hell that was indeed a bad experience,..territorial i would put it down to, not being from that area,..but despite the fact you may not have infringed on some other persons space, were the outsider, happens here as well, lost a lot in selling back the boat to the boat builder at 30% of cost,..ouch!.

    There is big money to be made if you have berthing facilities, 1000 Euro,..1.357$ per boat mostly double that you take in a lot of easy money,..its up to the boat owner to ensure and look after his boat.

    I have a friend who own the off shore on part of the lake here,..he was thinking of setting up berthing facilities and wanted to know would i go in with him on the set up and cost,..but getting permission from landowners to get access to the land beside the off shore was impossible,..he bought the Deeds to the off shore area, was an area where Reeds were grown and harvested for thatching roofs and other uses,..strange thing about off shore,..its not land but area of water.

    So KK, don't have any idea what my posted object is, :).


    More on the object.

    There are four letters one in each "V" of the cross,..CSPB,..meaning "Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti".

    Around the margin there are the letters VRS,VSMV-SMQL,IVB.

    Meaning Vade Retro Satana,Nunquam Suade Mihi Vana-Sunt Mala Quae Libas,Ipse Vanena Bibas.

    At the top,..PAX (peace).

    This is something you probably would not normally come across, has being used in very extreme situations.

    ( photo / image / picture from Philip Nulty's Garden )
  3. Philip Nulty

    Philip Nulty Strong Ash

    Nov 25, 2010
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    The Midlands,Ireland
    Nobody wants to venture a guess,..well this object is supposed to protect a person from drowning,..and one of the reasons i was given it, also is supposed to prevent you from dying by fire or poison, has being used in exorcism cases,..any guesses.


    With the cover on the boat you can have a comfortable sleep if far from home.

    ( photo / image / picture from Philip Nulty's Garden )
  4. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    No clue on the gold coin... but I do like that cover for Jelly Fish.... like a floating tent.

  5. Philip Nulty

    Philip Nulty Strong Ash

    Nov 25, 2010
    Likes Received:
    The Midlands,Ireland
    Hi Cheryl,
    lol nice description,..and i often thought that myself,..its snug in there when sleeping overnight,..which i have done many times when i just wanted to remain in some small bay or island instead of heading home.

    Below is my previous boat, was an Orkney sea boat as well,.(ignore that weird smile, :rolleyes: ),..but it wasn't all electric like the present one.

    ( photo / image / picture from Philip Nulty's Garden )


    As for the object i posted,..its a Medal,..a St Benedict Medal,..its supposed to protect you from drowning,..and the reason it was given to me to carry in the boat, will also protect you from dying by fire,..or being poisoned,..its used in Exorcism cases.

    The Medal
  6. KK Ng

    KK Ng Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2009
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    Malacca, Malaysia.
    Looking at Jelly Fish peacefully berthed in a proper place makes me want to go and get me another boat ....sigh! Yes I do to believe that is territorial and moreover I am of a different race.

    Thanks for your explanation about the coin, I'll definitely have one on board should I get another boat.

    There were a couple of proposed marina project here but they did not materialised. The beach where the marina were supposed to be built was reclaimed and house owners who once boasted of sea view is now nothing but just the house opposite view. I do not understand why the sea had to be reclaimed when there are so many abandoned inland land project.

    Having a berthing area with no access is kind of a impossible, but having a pick up point would be great. Since there is no land, a floating marina would be great with storage facilities, bristro and a tackle shop might be great.

    Your previous boat is lovely too and I sure would smile like you if I have one too! :)
  7. Philip Nulty

    Philip Nulty Strong Ash

    Nov 25, 2010
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    The Midlands,Ireland
    Hi KK Ng,
    my jetty is probably the best one there,..most have two boats, on each side, my case there isn't facilities to have a boat opposite mine, that is the car park side, i am lucky not to have the worry of someone bumping into mine should they misjudge with navigation.

    Like you i am not from the area i berth my boat in,..but here in order to even get into the car park one needs a coded electronic fob key,..then another to get on to the jetty, i am fairly safe.

    Reasons why Corporations,Councils do things are sometimes beyond belief,..perhaps not looking further then their nose,..millions have being lost due to lack of foresight, is the case with the reclaiming of the sea area where you are, in my town one of the berthing areas built was really a good modern one,..alas there were no parking area close to it,..the mind boggles as to how could anyone miss out on the fact boat owners would arrive by car with gear in hand, where do they park while on the water, its only used by tourists passing through.

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