Adam no it's where they go low to lay the foundations of properties and the dirt that's added on top is what's local to them to add...that's why different area's have different soil zones.
No this is definitely clay at the trenches still filled up but not as bad. We could actually walk the edge of the walkway without sinking. In the area where i have not finished filling with gravel...the water stayed there for 2 days.
It does not seem likely, but there are 7.48 us gallons in a cubic foot of space. 1000 liters to a cubic meter. Amazing how much water can go in a hole or ditch as shown so far.
Hummerbum I know you want a lawn but would it be easier for you to line and just gravel the lot off like ours is done and you can make it as a rock garden...I know it's not to every ones choice but here's ours done...I've got some different plants in some area's besides my cordylines chopped down.
@Gail I love that, but there are way too many trees in this area for a full rock garden. Besides HOA would probably have a cow. Yours is very neat and it looks great!! I saw it yesterday while looking through the forums.
Your on about trees come and live here..there's no end the neighbour as had he's sliced to the ground...well ours was lawned but kept doing my back in so hubby put 5 tone done but some plants have been altered in the mean time...come winter though it's great they run along the path under the window and blow up the corner of the fencing...oh dear less work
LOL....Thanks for the invite. When I'm finished with the "lawn", it will be much less lawn and more beds....hehe The one thing that I can't stand, are straight lines and edges. I love curves (like me). As you see this neighborhood is very straight with no umph!! Beds will be all over the place to take those 90 degree angles out of everything.
@Gail-Steman IT IS WONDERFUL! Go over to my "Hi Everyone" post. Giving an in-depth update there as we speak.