Bunkie... That cake looks wonderful! I keep thinking about getting a solar cooker, but I kept thinking... "wow- that is the cost of a basic stove or a gas grill..." but I bit the bullet and ordered one. Now... what do i do with it?
That's wonderful news Carolyn!!! We thought the same thing about the price, and we got it on sale!!! It's so worth it!!! Somewhere on this thread I have pics of brownies baking in it in February at 28F! It took them 3 hours to cook, but they were delish! It's really amazing to just cook something with the sun and no electricity or gas. Start with something simple like baking some potatoes or corn on the cob or chicken or some kind of meat....or a cake or simple omelet recipe. I had trouble at first with it steaming...the glass door condensation. They suggested I put a toothpick in between the glass door and the oven....a slight gap to let it breath. After using it a few times, the gaskets (?) seemed to settle and their was no steam until the meal was cooked completely....that's a sign that it's done I figured out! I also don't use the toothpick, I simply undo the screws to hold the door shut...after I see condensation building up. I've put a frozen turkey in the oven and it was so tender. Same as a beef roast, pork roast, chicken, etc... Usually anything I can fit in that pot that comes with it works great! I've also used regular bread pans and cast iron frying pans. Here's a couple of links that have recipes. Let me know how it goes, and any problems or questions you have...I had a ton of them in the beginning... http://www.solarcooker-at-cantinawest.c ... cipes.html http://solarcooking.org/recipes/bread.h ... ye%20Bread http://sunflair.net/recipes/
I have sunshine this morning, but I am worried that it won't stay. we were forecasted rain for a good part of the day.... I so want to try something in it.. Thanks for the tips. those are really helpful when you know nothing about it. I hate to learn everything the hard way. ps. I just checked the hourly fore cast and it is supposed to rain in....80 minutes. Bummer! Gives me some time to get some ideas together and make sure I have all the ingredients. my pantry is bare, I haven't shopped all Summer long. No time.
Carolyn, you can even cook on a cloudy day, it'll just take longer. Can't wait to hear about your experiments!!! The Polar Vortex has us in its grasp the last few weeks. Unbelievable cold and not a snowflake in sight...warm temps and rain coming in this weekend...ahhh, a thaw very much appreciated, even if it's in December! This is what's happening when it's 8 above zero here and sunny... Ducks swimming in their tubs... And Gabby supervising the deer munching on fallen (frozen) apples...
ugh.. that is cold. I do not want that kind of Winter again... send that weather straight NORTH... not East. Thank you very much!
Ummm..... no thanks on that too. I really am a "fair weather" farmer. I want to hibernate until it is warm, but that doesn't get my plants grown in the greenhouse. I want it to rain at night time and be done by the time I get up in the morning and then be about 70 by 9:00 and 80 at noon and for the rest of the day. Is that precise enough of an order?
Happy New Year's Eve all...watch out for the pink elephants tonight...(some of you may remember this one from many many many many moons ago!)...
Yes Donna, it's me! We're in the process of getting a few more ducks and a pair of geese in a couple of weeks. I happened upon this guy's you tubes on the permies forum...'The Duck Chronicles'...very helpful with great info!!! http://permies.com/t/44225/ducks/Duck-Chronicles-Web-Series
The ducks are getting pretty good at walking on water...er...ice! It's 18F here this morning and no snow in site...strange winter here, indeed!