bunkie doings...

Discussion in 'Member's Gallery' started by bunkie, Aug 16, 2010.

  1. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Oh dear, Bunkie--It's really becoming a storm there.
    I sure did like the fotos that you posted. The duck area looks pretty goof though...and of course the "supervisor", Pets is taking it all in, isn't he.
    Too bad you have to lug that water each day, but the duckies will appreciate it no doubt.
  2. bunkie

    bunkie Young Pine

    Aug 7, 2008
    Likes Received:
    eastern washington
    wonderful news! hubby got the pipes thawed out! my idea...using the heating pad! :D

    well, it's another balmy day at 25F and the snow is coming down, still, like crazy! we have over 18 inches now. i have to go clean the roofs off again today, and hubby has to do some tractoring and snow removal in the driveway. sounds like more pics!:D

    good news for the duckies...i have this snow roof rake and hubby suggested i use it to make a path through the snow on top of the frozen part of the pond to the little tiny source of free water. it worked! the ducks went one by one and spent all night and thawed much of the pond out! they are really happy campers this morning!

    as soon as hubby uploads the pics, i'll post them...and pete actually came out in the snow, just to make sure the pics were interesting! :D

    i forgot sjoerd....i've decided to get a 'flying saucer' (round sled and cheap) to drag the water and food down to them! might work for the woodpile too! :D
  3. daisybeans

    daisybeans Hardy Maple

    Mar 28, 2009
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    annapolis md
    Wow. You're a pioneer girl, Bunkie. I admire you tremendously. Stay warm.
  4. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Those pics sound interesting.
    Your solution for transporting water and perhaps wood is inspired. A good example of improvising...like they teach one in the service.

    It seems that the thing with the duck pond worked well too.

    Daisy is right--you showe true pioneer qualities. Must be that Alaskan upbringing.

  5. bunkie

    bunkie Young Pine

    Aug 7, 2008
    Likes Received:
    eastern washington
    thanks for all the compliments you guys and gals! it's just making do with what you have till you can get something that works better! :D

    now i'm going to inundate you with pics of snow....

    greenhouses and barn in snow....


    ed checking out the snow...


    curly in the snow with his toy...


    lizzie in the snow with her toy, and a half-eaten pear...


    loveable lizzie in the snow...


    louise avoiding the snow, eating bark off the woodpile...


    thelma eating hay....



    ducks eating by their cabin in snow...


    ducks and their cabin...


    closeup...remember, their pond froze over...


    ducks drinking fresh water...


    ducks in outside pen...very confused...the white stuff's everywhere...


    ducks' trying to figure out what to do about their frozen pond in the top of the pics...


    the thawing is spreading...


    i made a path for the ducks to the pond opening with my snow roof rake...


    the ducks headed for it...


    smart ducks! they got the pond opened up...


    original pen behind ducks pond buried in snow...


    overview of ducks' pen...


    this is my snow roof rake...back in 2007 we had tremendous snow. it snowed a foot every time it snowed and that was every other day. we had 3 and a half feet of snow on our roof before it warmed up and shed. many roofs in surrounding areas collapsed. we were very lucky. that year i bought my snow roof rake. i have the extensions that will go 45 feet. i use the length so the snow coming of the roof doesn't hit me...


    see the smiley face on our chimney...and the roof that needs cleaning...


    cleaning roof...


    clean roof...


    next, to clean the greenhouse roof...


    cleaning greenhouse roof...


    all done...now ed'll go around the sides of it with his little snowplow...when he gets the track on that fell off last year...


    curly waiting for ed to clean the tractor...


    here comes THE CAVALRY....


    curly letting ed takeover...


    closeup of the cavalry...


    goats (on left) waiting for ed to make them a path to their hay....


    ed cleaning their path...


    pete in bed...


    pete hears snow falling...


    pete checking the snow out from a safe distance, sort of....


    pete a little grumpy...maybe too much snow...


    nonchlant pete...


    wild pete in the snow...

    Droopy and Philip Nulty like this.
  6. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Lovely set of pics, Bunkie. I liked all of them.
    That duck solution was a good one...you had results immediately.

    The introduction to the pets was good to see as well...and your man in action on his red toy.

    And of course, what series would be complete without Pete. yeah...hahaha, I think that it was indeed too much snow. chuckle.

    It looks cold there. Burrrrrrrrrrrr.
  7. daisybeans

    daisybeans Hardy Maple

    Mar 28, 2009
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    annapolis md
    Adventures in Bunkie-land. Those photos told a very good story about all the effort it takes to keep your place going. You and Ed make a good team. Your animals all look kind of energized by the snow... well, except Pete. Your goats are Thelma and Louise?? How hilarious. The dogs are funny with their toys. Did they bring them out with them or find them buried in the snow? It looks like you guys have everything under control. Pretty impressive!
  8. Palm Tree

    Palm Tree Young Pine

    Sep 17, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Cape Town
    Aw - how lovely the animals.
    I really enjoy this thread.
    Love the piccies. THanks so much Bunkie. :stew1:
    hummerbum likes this.
  9. Philip Nulty

    Philip Nulty Strong Ash

    Nov 25, 2010
    Likes Received:
    The Midlands,Ireland
    A very inventive man!,...loved all the pictures,..the ducks were a great reminder of when i used to have some,..seeing Thelma,Louise,Lizzie,Curly and of course Pete the cat made me smile as i am also a sucker for pets,....yes very interesting pictures.
  10. bunkie

    bunkie Young Pine

    Aug 7, 2008
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    eastern washington
    glad you all enjoyed the pics and critters and snow!

    yes sjoerd, it has been pretty cold here. sun waas out a bit, finally, yesterday, but melted very little. we have another biggy storm coming in tonight. not sure where we're going to put all the snow! :D

    dasiy, the dogs found their toys buried in the snow! they don't take very good care of them. and yes, thelma and louise are twins. i loved that movie! the goats act just like those girls! :D

    thanks for the nice comments palm and philip.

    ps....hubby got the snowblower fixed last night! woohoo! :D
  11. bunkie

    bunkie Young Pine

    Aug 7, 2008
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    eastern washington
    hey all! it's 24F here and we have sunshine! so nice to wake up and not have to shovel snow.

    we have about 2 plus feet on the ground now. luckily the roofs on the cabin and greenhouse are clear.

    we have temps going down in the teens for a couple of days, then more snow.... :D

    pete goes out for 5 seconds, does his business, then runs back in...so we'll have more pics when it warms up a bit! :D

    hope you all are staying warm! :stew2:
  12. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Well Bunkie--it sounds like you are going to live through this storm. It's good that you write now and then or else GS would have to send out a rescue party to dig you guys out.

    Stay warm and send more pics when you can.
  13. bunkie

    bunkie Young Pine

    Aug 7, 2008
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    eastern washington
    you bet sjoerd! we've had 2 glorious days of sunshine. temps in low 20's and cold wind out of the north. looks like we're going to get a warm up in a couple days....whew...

    a few more snow pics...

    ed and snowblower...


    tackling the snow that fell off of the big roof...


    almost done...


    ducks and more snow...


    curly catching snowflakes with his tongue...

    Philip Nulty likes this.
  14. bunkie

    bunkie Young Pine

    Aug 7, 2008
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    eastern washington
    i got a saucer sled early for Christmas yesterday. i used it for the first time this morning to take water and feed down the hill to the duck pen in 2 feet plus of snow.

    it worked great! but, curly has taken a liking to it. he pulled it all over the front yard and all over the driveway! now i have to get him one!!!

    pics soon...
  15. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Hahahaha....That Curley! You are going to have your hands full.

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