Hehehe... really not that big. Which is good, cause I always feel overwhelmed by the weeds! It's like their sole purpose on Earth is to drive me crazy! I promise to take measurements Here's two - totally new to me. I have them in pots, but also in the garden. Tweedia caerulea Solanum sisymbriifolium Can't wait to get to taste those "Litchi tomatoes" Not sure what picking technique to apply, since entire plant is covered with sharp spikes
Now my oriental (read FRAGRANT) lilies are starting to bloom Got a few bunches of these: And two REAL surprises. One lily blooming under an apple tree, in a really not-looked-after zone. Will have to move it in the fall! And the second, from a trade. But I just love it!
So many lovely flowers, you are have quite the green thumb! In North Carolina, we have a very similar plant to your Solanum sisymbriifolium -except ours have a poisonous fruit! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solanum_carolinense
Litchi tomatoes? Do they produce edible fruits? They look lovely though it's a secret to no gardener that the loveliest of plants are often poisonous too
Thanks TEO. So do you. Cris... Solanum indeed comprises of many kinds of plants many of which are poisonous. Even the eggplant is in the same family. Yes Oubee, supposed to bear edible and yummy little "tomatoes". We'll see about that!
News in the past month! Passiflora caerulea LILIES Daylilies Gladiolus Achimenes (in pots) Hibiscus moscheutos (hardy)
Oh drool! Your lilies are gorgeous, and so are the rest of your blooms. I've got that creamy-yellow lily with the red center too, it's called "Shocking". It has a lovely scent.
Hi Calin, I am interested to see your passiflora caerulea, I have planted one this year and of course no flowers yet.In about 3 mths I hope.Do you know if the fruit is edible?
Hello Droopy... it is shocking. Yes, nice fragrance. And seems to be the only one really multiplying and thriving and so on! Chocolate, you planted from seed? Or you bought one? Mine spent the winter in its pot, cool and rather dark room, no water almost at all. In spring, pruned hard and all buds are on the new growth. Fruit... not sure it's edible. Probably not. Last year only two fruits, and all empty. Just the skin. No seeds, just air!
Wow Calin,..its mind blowing seeing all those beautiful blooms,...aaaaaah the colours are just out of this world,..at times like this i wish for a bigger garden to add most of your blooms.