Cleaning out the beehive...

Discussion in 'Hobbies and Crafts' started by carolyn, Apr 21, 2012.

  1. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Oh Barb, you are so funny..if only I had a magic flute, then I would be able to make some music(sigh). I am hearing "follow the yellow brick road" in my head as I read this.... As it is I only dust the musical instruments here. It is everyone else who has the magic fingers and touch. I don't think the girls would heed me anyway. they go their own way and if I am blessed I get the reward of their work.... Come on over and I'll give you a personal tour of their new digs. I have a special suit you can wear so you can get close enough to toot a flute and see what happens. :sete_011: :sing: You'll have to bring the flute. The closest I have is a clarinet. Or we can haul a piano out there :rolleyes: Adrian has a trombone, maybe he would let us try that, too. We would have a regular band going on out there.

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