Dang it, it's Christmas!!

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Ronni, Dec 5, 2016.

  1. Raddang

    Raddang In Flower

    Jul 15, 2016
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    County of Kent, UK
    I too am tech savvy Ronni, everything is paperless, never receive paper bills etc, haven't written a cheque for over 5 years. But an impersonal email or electronic greeting seems so pointless to me.
    Unfortunately with everything on social media we have lost the art of letter writing. I am fortunate in that my circle of friends and family live fairly close so they are seen throughout the year. But the young people of today can't live without their 'communicator' grafted to their palm and even on that it is all text speak, like another language.
    But don't get me going on that. I AM probably becoming a grumpy old man but, although I use technology of today, I believe that social media has a lot to answer for, not all good.
    Happy Christmas to you and yours Ronni. ;)
  2. Ronni

    Ronni Hardy Maple

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Nashville Tennessee
    I guess I don't see them as impersonal, Raddang...at least not the Christmas emails I get and send. They're full of news of the year, and very chatty and personal. I know for me, when I send them out to my friends, I'm not trying to conserve space on the 8x10 piece of paper I want to include in the Christmas card the way I used to, so I can wax eloquent and make it far more newsy than I would otherwise, and as long as I want to, and I can include photos too!

    And social media for me has been a HUGE boon! I have friends all over the world, and trying to stay in touch with them through letters (because until recently, phone calls were mostly prohibitively expensive, and overseas ones even now cost a fair bit) was an arduous task because I have a very full, busy life and who has that kind of time?? Not me, not when I'm working every day, and have numerous family, group and social commitments in the evenings and on weekends. With the advent of email, and social media, I am able to stay WAY more in touch with my friends and family than I would otherwise. And I LOVE that. I'm more connected to those folks now than I've ever been before!

    But, y'know, just so we're clear, I'm not trying to argue or even disagree with you, just present another perspective. I find it fascinating that two people can have very divergent views on something, depending on their own experience. Fascinating.
  3. Ronni

    Ronni Hardy Maple

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Nashville Tennessee
    My Christmas outfit for this year. :D


    I know, I know...completely ridiculous. That's kind of the point! [​IMG]

    Every year when I go Christmas shopping, I deck myself out in Christmas stuff. There's always the hat, and I have a variety of chintzy christmas jewelry that jingles, and a selection of Christmas socks and t shirts. This year (honestly because it's so freaking and unseasonably cold right now, even for this time of the year) I decided to change things up some, so that I could wear fuzzy leggings instead of jeans, and layer my clothing for added warmth.

    I got lots of compliments and smiles and thumbs up and questions about where I got this or that...particularly those socks which were a Walmart find for a couple bucks!

    One of the things that has become tradition is that I go shopping with Son # 4 every year, at his request. Cameron likes my input on things for the family, and more recently for his girlfriend. I'm happy to oblige, because I LOVE to Christmas shop! Plus I'm the Keeper of the Lists, so it helps him that I have information on his siblings and his various nieces and nephew. Anyway, I told him my outfit this year was extra crazy..... I warned him before I saw him. [​IMG] When I walked into his apartment and his mouth dropped open, I asked him if he was embarrassed to be seen with me. I mean, the kids have lived with my Christmas getups for as long as they can remember. And have said it wouldn't be Christmas without them. But this one is the most over the top so far! He laughed and said not at all, he loved seeing the reactions I get when we go shopping together. And there sure were plenty of them! :rofl::smt043
    2ofus likes this.
  4. Raddang

    Raddang In Flower

    Jul 15, 2016
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    County of Kent, UK
    Having now seen your picture Ronni as one of 'Santas little helpers' (and I admire your balls for that);) I can see that there is an age gap so my views are probably a little older than your own. i do of course agree that we, and I mean society at large, DO have differing views and opinions. and thank goodness for that.
    My comment about social media being 'not all good' is a reference to such things as political or subversive uprisings where actions can be initiated in minutes putting the authorities on the back foot; just look back at the Arab Spring and also the actions of IS. And the grooming of young girls by pedophiles, and of course the scum who hide behind some username to threaten and scare innocent people.
    To be honest I think too many people are too free with the personal information that they post on the likes of twitter and FB. Is it really wise to tell the world exactly where you are? Be it abroad on holiday or even just at a mall shopping. There are those who take advantage of this and you get home to find your house has been burgled.
    So, social media is not all good IMO.......

  5. Islandlife

    Islandlife Young Pine

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Way cool outfit Ronni! You do definitely look like a cute and cheery Santa's elf! :)

    I think if you're having fun with the season all others will join in an appreciate your efforts.

    HO HO HO!! :) :) :)
  6. Ronni

    Ronni Hardy Maple

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Nashville Tennessee
    How old do you think I am Raddang?

    I'll give you a hint.....I have a 43 year old son. ;)
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2016
  7. Raddang

    Raddang In Flower

    Jul 15, 2016
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    County of Kent, UK
    I hope that I am enough of a gentleman Ronni not to discuss a ladys age. ;-) But perhaps you were born in the mid fifties???
  8. Ronni

    Ronni Hardy Maple

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Nashville Tennessee
    You are sweet, but I'm not one of those women who has any problem disclosing her age...I'm 63. I don't feel that old, and for me that's what counts. I stay very active and I'm athletic, and I ballroom dance, and love to do physical things...I've posted about some of them here...ziplining, white water rafting, rock climbing, tubing, hiking the really challenging trails...that kind of thing. Keeps me limber so I can crawl around on the floor after my grand babies, and go play with them, not just watch them, on the playgrounds!
  9. Raddang

    Raddang In Flower

    Jul 15, 2016
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    County of Kent, UK
    @Ronni I was not far out then Ronni ;) I can give you nearly 20 years, born 1934 so a kid through the WWII years. Well done for all your activities and you are looking good on it. :like:
  10. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    I could have done with you here in that outfit Ronni. Everyone seemed sooo miserable when I went shopping today that you would have given them something to smile about I'm sure. I just wish I had the courage, and the figure, to dress up like you but I think I'd have scared everyone silly if I had. :snicker:
  11. Ronni

    Ronni Hardy Maple

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Nashville Tennessee
    Nah...course you wouldn't Eileen!!! You'd look jolly and festive and....and just plain fun! :heart:

    I have to confess, I tend to play it up a bit when I'm out and I see someone obviously having a bad shopping experience. I'll jingle the various bells I'm wearing, wish them a Merry Christmas with a big smile, engage them in conversation, talk to their kids...whatever might bring them around. It doesn't always work, at least so it's noticeable, but even if they end up bitching to their spouse later, about the annoying woman who just wouldn't SHUT UP!! even that's given them a break from what they were worrying about, taken their mind off their problems for a short while. And honestly, I've been doing this for years, and I've yet to get a negative reaction.

    I'm doing more shopping this weekend. I'll be in my festive stuff again, and you can be sure I'll be jingling my bells wherever I go! :D:stew1:

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