KK Ng I found a dairy goat farm in your country. It is located near Balik Pulau. The name of their farm is, Happy Goats. I was wondering what kind of fencing they us to keep their goats in? Maybe if they us electric fencing they could help you obtain one? Just a thought.
Thanks Tooty2shoes, I'll check with them. According to their web site, their goats are from Switzerland and the goats are kept in a climate control environment so I guess they must be indoors. I'll let you know once I get a reply. Make a trip to the electronic shop yesterday and got my query sorted so I shall be continuing with my ... should I say electronic quest?
OK, got a reply from them. No they do not need electric fencing because their goats are raised in a climatic controlled environment. To control the temperature and the humidity, they are kept in a giant barn. Their goats are from Switzerland.
KK Ng, My question is, is it illegal in Malaysia or your area? I don't understand, "government regulation". Could you get in trouble for using an electric fence.
Yes Barb we do need a license and I too don't understand, "government regulation". I am going to be sneaky about it like the monkeys! The fencing is only put up when necessary and it is only going to be inside my compound which is a walled up area with no electric fence.