Does anyone like Mourning Doves?

Discussion in 'Bird' started by Sherry8, Jan 25, 2008.

  1. Wrennie

    Wrennie In Flower

    Nov 21, 2007
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    Catskill Mountains NY
    Sherry the birds that like peanuts are; chickadees, nuthatches, titmice, and woodpeckers. Cardinals favorite is black oil sunflower on an open feeling feeder. I guess I have neat Mourning doves, I don't notice any mess from them. I did see one being chased by a sharp shinned hawk once. what a sight of acrobatics! I lost sight of them and dont know who won. Another time I came out to a blizzard of feathers as one was snatched right out of my crabapple tree.
  2. Palm Tree

    Palm Tree Young Pine

    Sep 17, 2007
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    Cape Town
    Your doves look a lot like the doves that we call "Lemoenduifies"

    "Lemoen" for oranges (Don't ask why oranges - maybe the sweet sound, well I do not really know)
    and obviously "duifies" for doves.

    ANd you are so right - they are quite messy. Though I do not have a problem with them as my dogs do not really allow them to start messing.
  3. Bel Gazou

    Bel Gazou New Seed

    Feb 26, 2008
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    New York City
    I'm new here. I live in the heart of the city and Mourning Doves are a bit of a rarity here. I love waking to their cooing. They are a welcome change from the tough and ever-present pigeons, contentious sparrows and squawking crows.

    You want to know from messy? I don't think that anything else could be quite as messy as pigeons. Sometimes they are even out at night. They are the first ones out in the morning too with their Big Kahuna doing his "superior dance" (or what ever that display is) on the sidewalk. I love to get whatever rare glimpse that I can of the shy mourning doves. The pigeons seem to muscle just about everyone else out, except for the crows.

    I'm going to get a feeder filled with black oiled sunflower seeds to try to attract more Mourning Doves and hope that the pigeons don't steal it all.

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