Some songs can be memorized so quickly, and then stuck in your head. Other songs take longer to learn.
Music is a huge part of my life. :-D I don't listen to radio very much but I have a huge collection of skramz (scream), alternative rock, shoegaze, metal, punk, trance, and hardstyle albums. The only music I really don't like is gangsta rap, bleh! But I'm all over Linkin Park, Wasted Penguinz, and Hollywood Undead. The new Sum 41 album is amazing and I'm still waiting to hear more about the new Escape The Fate album. Oh, and my Sansa Fuze is full. I really need to get a flash media player with more memory because 16 GB isn't enough.
Music is my job, and my life. Pretty much all music morning to night. Typical day is play for a vocal department, teach piano, play for a concert, rehearsal, or musical in the evening, go to bed! Sleep...repeat.
I like music, but I dont have to have it constantly. When Im at work I have to listen to the crap they play (seriously, I want to beat up whoever decides on the playlist...). When Im in the car, I have a few certain stations I switch back and forth between. Mainly Country and Alternative (I think? Its those stations that claim they play "everything"). When I was in high school, I did play violin but was never all that great at it because I hated practicing. Makes me sad now because I would LOVE to play an instrument, but I just dont have the willpower to buckle down and learn one haha
I like all kinds of music,..hate Rap!,..i am constantly looking for music to add as a background to videos i make and so music is a big part of my day,..even gardening i listen to Classic FM,..just music no talk,..there is a song stuck in my head for years. Katherine Jenkins--Nella Fantasia.
ClassicFM is my first choice too Philip.It isn't difficult to listen to and sometimes they play something which just stops me in my tracks because of its beauty.
My first choice is actually my kids' & husband's music. I am the only non-musical member of a musical family. Our daughter plays in several bands, & sings in a chorus & does shape note singing as well. Our son is into jazz fusion piano & composition & has a group that practices at our house. My husband plays classical guitar. My brother loves opera. I was the non-musical kid who was asked to mouth the words in school rather than sing! But my ear & my appreciation have gradually improved living in this family. I now like more complicated forms of music that you have to carefully listen to. But, I still don't like opera!
Oh my, absolutely. I absolutely love music. My favorite is harp music. I actually got myself a brand new Davidic Harp (like the Biblical Lyre) and am taking lessons. It's just so soothing to the soul. abby