WOW that is a doozy of a grill. Dooley I think you should let him be in charge of cooking now! I know you'll both enjoy all the good cooking from that--enjoy.
Thanks Marlene. Now you got Dooley thinking. Like most guys however I like the cooking-hate the cleanup. dr
Hey dr, here are some pork ribs for that new grill, should fit nicely on it. This 11 year old boy in Alabama shot this 1,050 lb. wild pig.
Nope, not doctored. It has been on the news over here for about a week or so. The boys father says he is having it made into sausage, 700 lbs of sausage to be exact!
Goos grief I hope I never run into a wild boar THAT size!!! I think I'd have run not stopped to shoot.
Saw that picture the other day CK. Biggest wild hog ever! Too big for the grill but I suppose I could smoke the sausage a batch at a time. Problem though-question-When you smoke a sausage, which end do you light? dr
To set the record straight, that "wild hog" was actually called Fred! I just read a story where he had been raised as a pet on a farm and had been sold to a hunting camp. They had been told that he would be bred to other hogs and then probably hunted in several years. But he escaped 4 days before he was killed. They said if he hadn't been fed for those 4 days he was probably pretty upset and would have been acting like a wild hog. The Alabama Dept of natural resources said as far as they colud determine, no laws were broken. But that the hog was not feral and had not been raised as a feral pig.