Your display is truly awesome! Love the little shovel in there... adds even a little more whimsy to it.
Well, I was supposed to weed the asparagus patch today, but I think I'll get tipsy instead! Cheryl, you are as bad at enabling as Toni, and that's ba-a-a-a-d-d-d-d!
I'm thinking the same way.... I'm babysitting today and as soon as he goes to sleep maybe I can find all the parts and make me one also.
Me? An enabler? Thought I was the enablEE around here! Can't wait to see what you and Carolyn create! Anyone else out there have a "tipsy" to share?
Thanks Cheryl, I also got the idea for mine after seeing someone else's photo. Like Martha Stewart says "its a good thing". :-D
Mine's not as beautiful as yours, but give it time to grow. and hopefully it will be. My 1/2 hour tipsy project. ( photo / image / picture from carolyn keiper's Garden )
I think it's a fantastic start! I was wondering how plastic planters would work... I have tons of them laying around! Are your's strong/thick enough that they don't distort after all the dirt has been added?
Cherylad, Thanks for the encouragement. The bottom one is very sturdy. it has no real flex to it, it has a rim I could wrap my fingers under to pick it up. the next two are not as sturdy but I don't think they will flex out of shape very much if at all. Not enough that I'm worried about it, anyhow. It was what I had, so it's what I went with.
Once the plants get all settled in and happy, I know it will look great! I just went with what I had too. I'm pretty darn cheap! Couple of the pots are cracked. Figured if they break... oh well... wouldn't be hard to replace. And I thought my "2nd" pot should have been bigger. Not a big enough difference to make me want to drive into town just to buy a terra cotta pot. Think I'll go through my stacks of plastic pots this evening. I do still have the other half of my rebar tucked away.