Gardening's dirty work.

Discussion in 'Member's Gallery' started by Ronni, Apr 10, 2016.

  1. Philip Nulty

    Philip Nulty Strong Ash

    Nov 25, 2010
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    The Midlands,Ireland
    Ronni,..the rose bushes are looking healthy and will fill out soon enough, your fun pots 'just because'.

    As for gloves,..after many bad experiences with sap from plants and splinters of wood in fertilizer i always set out with a pair of Waterproof Maxiflex Gloves,..thin enough to feel things with finger tips,..somehow i always manage to take them off and hands get dirty,..too dirty to remove a fly from an eye without cursing the removal of the gloves,..then heading indoors to wash before poking around in an eye.
    Ronni likes this.
  2. stratsmom

    stratsmom Flower Fanatic

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Southern Oregon
    I have several pair that I've accumulated over the years. I try to wear them but like everyone else they manage to come off and never get back on. But...last summer I splurged on a leather pair that has an adjustable Velcro strap at the wrist and I really like them, they actually fit right. I've thrown all of them in the washer and used and reused them for a long, long time. The hardest part is trying to remember where I left them.....
    Ronni and Philip Nulty like this.
  3. Ronni

    Ronni Hardy Maple

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Nashville Tennessee
    Ed loves Costco. He brought me a 6 pack of gloves, and I really like them. They're rubber, sort of, but have a panel at the back (sort of over the knuckles extending to the wrist, so that air gets in and they don't get all hot and sticky on the inside. And because there are so many, I have them in various strategic locations so I'm never without a pair no matter what.

    That's part of the problem for me...I get started on something over HERE, but the gloves are over THERE. So no, there are gloves in my little planting area, gloves on the back porch where I keep the shears and a small trowel, gloves in the kitchen (for the houseplant stuff) and then three more pair as backups. So far that system is working well. We'll see how it goes as the season progresses. ;)
    2ofus likes this.
  4. 2ofus

    2ofus Hardy Maple

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Idaho Mountains
    I never wore gloves until I moved to Texas. My first desire to start wearing them was when a huge wolf spider jumped out of the soil and ran across my hand. Desire turned to Necessity when I dug up a scorpion with my hand! Now it is a habit to wear them even though we have no surprises jumping out of the ground.


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