Thank you Dooley. It is a sad thing for Heather and her family, not to mention her mum. I do have hopes that Glenda will improve to a degree though...however it will take time. We are all pulling for you Heather and Glenda!
I am so sorry to hear that...I am not on facebook now because I have so much trouble with it. I do wish them well and I hope Glenda improves...she has been through so much and it is a tough road to travel. :'( Get well Glenda...we miss you.
When my aunt fell and broke her pelvis back in the 90s, her doc tried to tell my brother and cousin that she had advanced Alzheimer's and wanted to put her in nursing home. My brother and cousin told that doc off in a hurry. He didnt even know she was stone deaf and had gotten to the hospital without her hearing aids. He didnt know she even had hearing aids. Her mind was perfectly clear before the fall, so it was not Alzheimer's but the doctor had her on way too many meds for an almost 90 year old frail lady. Once they got her meds lined out properly for her, she was fine and MAD as could be. She fired her doctor, lambasted everyone from the nurses, to her lawyer, and my brother and cousin too. She called up her handy man and arranged for him to build a bathroom on the first floor of her house. She made my brother and cousin put the dining room stuff upstairs, and bring all her bedroom things downstairs in the dining room. She arranged for her own in home health aid, arranged for her wheelchair and everything. She lived on the first floor the rest of her life, and had my brother come and fix things, etc. They wrote on her chart in big red letters: "Extremely Independant!"... Anyone even mentioning her moving to a nursing home really got chewed out from her. Hopefully, it is only a matter of too much meds and that can be fixed. One of my friends had to get new doctors because her doctor here had her nearly dead from too much medicines.
AANightowl....after my aunt fell and had to go into a nursing home, the different types of medicines made her see angels and things moving and when they could keep the scripts amount right, she was fine but as soon as they tweeked something....seeing angels again. She is better but the system keeps playing with the amounts. Glenda....((((HUGS)))) dear lady, please get better.
Goodness me. Sending much love to Heather, Glenda and the family. Just hoping the doctors can find out what is going on.
I am still keeping Glenda in my prayers that she can get her meds regulated. Usually Alzheimer's just does not happen all of a sudden . . . it is gradual. I am hoping this is medicine related, and someone straightens it out soon.