With noon day sun often in the high 90's it can be a challenge to see the camera viewfinder, to figure how to get an exposure, the colour of the blooms themselves vary considerably as the light changes
I was a bit disappointed this year when my blue waterlily didn't flower. My red and white ones were lovely but I really wanted the blue to bloom for me. I'm hoping it survives the winter to put on a show next year.
oh, I wonder what may have kept it from going into bloom. Fish nibbling at the roots, self crowded with too many sprouts, a dull cool Summer, too many plants competing for fertility, filters abstracting fertility, lack of phosphates... hmmm, there's usually some factor that can be identified for future reference. Tropical waterlilies are surprisingly resilient coping with Winter, to 40's waters, though some of the faddy new hybrids may be tetchy about tubering, or less able to harden off...
I really don't know why the blue one didn't flower for me as all the rest did. I don't have fish, no self crowding, our summer was a good one (for a change), we cleared plenty of space around it so no other plants were competing with it. We don't have filters but use barley straw to clear the water and the phosphate levels are good. Maybe it's just a late starter and will bloom next year as it was only planted in spring this year. Time will tell.