@carolyn spot on, I too have not got nearly as many beans this year. Like you, I don’t mind, harvesting beans can be such a chore. I am thinking of also trying a pick your own garden next year. This will save me a lot of time and so You can pick your own veg at a cheaper price. I would probably not do it for everything though. The more I think about it, the more I like it.
We've always lived with inflation affecting the cost of everything. The increase in house prices is an extreme example. But for more every day purchases. In 1958 when I was seventeen, I had a pre-war little Austine seven car. Petrol was 4/- (20p) a gallon and a pint of beer cost 2/- (10p) Applying the inflation rate to those prices. Petrol should now be just over a pound a litre and beer £1.19 a pint, but it isn't, perhaps the tax element has some effect. I remember paying £2 for an LP record in 1959. That'd be £47 today.
Everything has gone up here eggs anything dairy and beef has gone up a lot. I think it has a lot to do with the high fuel prices....
We buy pretty much the same in the way of food each month, I know the average spend this year, January to October has gone up 7%. I'll have to see what it's like at the end of this month. Fortunately, it isn't a problem for us.
DW makes donuts every other Sunday or so. Normally she has me throw out the oil and always hurts my wallet to see it go. So yesterday I made some kettle chips with her donut oil and some fresh. Its a trap because I know she loves kettle chips. I was working on a good way to cleanse the oil and store it for a few uses when I ran across this idea of using gelatin as a filter. Seems to be really effective, and that may help save the cost of oil. https://www.seriouseats.com/clean-cooking-oil-with-gelatin-technique