Islandlife I agree with you on the lawn issue. I never can figure out why people move out into the country, build a home and put in 4 or more times the grass lawn they had when they lived in town. They never consider putting in all wildflowers for the birds, bees, and butterfly's, and very little lawn. My Mom lived in Arizona for 10yrs back in the 1980's. They had a front yard that was all river rock with hardy plants here and there. Their backyard was mostly sand with California poppies everywhere with a few flower beds, and several citrus trees. Boy, could they grow the beautiful Roses. We just had some folks build a new house and sure enough---they put in a lot of lawn. Sad to see.
@Tooty2shoes - We have the same here. People putting in acres of lawn. Personally I think a lush well groomed lawn with a huge estate house looks lovely BUT who wants all the werk of maintaining it? Not going to be ME in my dotage I've already done my time behind a mower. Lots of river rock being used here. More and more for a variety of reasons people are switching away from lawns and some of the garden designs are fantastic too.
ISL-that is great to hear. One of the biggest producer of pollution are gas powered lawn mowers. I love how river rock looks. Hope to see pic's of your yard.