Hello from the Blue Ridge Foothills in NC

Discussion in 'Welcome to GardenStew' started by CrisGzr, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. CrisGzr

    CrisGzr In Flower

    May 31, 2012
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    Pilot Mtn, NC
    Jewell, working up a plan and taking one piece at a time is certainly the way to go! The nice thing about a 30 year old property is I can move plants around and not buy any.

    Hi Netty from Ontario, so many ancestors on both sides came from or through Canada. I feel like it is an old home!

    Hi there Droopy! We've been watching Lillyhammer! I want to go to Norway! In NH, we had lots of snow. In North Carolina, not so much, in fact no snow at all this past winter! Of course, my siberian huskies think they are being punished.

    Hi Barb in PA, I'm warning you, I have many catastrophes! SO, you can join me in many good laughs!

    Hi KK, I will ask lots of questions! I enjoyed your photos.

    Hi Jerry, Thank you for all the info, we moved here from Boston, where I lived for 10 happy years. In the winter, I miss all the evergreens we have in New England -so brown here! LOL

    Hi Tooty2shoes, I love your name thank you for the welcome, the database is awesome! I think when life stops being a process, I'll probably be turning into humus, which is another process, so never mind always a process! :D
  2. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
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    Hello Cris from a warm Texas.MY yard is very largeand mostly sunny.Its mostly dry here.lots of weeds and vines.I love your home.Its very lovely.

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