Hi from South Carolina

Discussion in 'Welcome to GardenStew' started by southern bell, Aug 27, 2006.

  1. kandie

    kandie New Seed

    Aug 27, 2006
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    Another welcome

    Another welcome to both bell and greasy bean from Sunny Florida!! I haven't been here long, but EVERYONE is very friendly and helpful... I'm sure you'll LOVE it here and find lots of useful and fun information!! Can't wait to see those pics :)
    As for how, I found the easiest way is to sign up for a photobucket account... it will resize them to the proper size for you and also give you the proper link to post in your message so it's pretty easy... if I can do it, anyone can hehe... and about those BEANS... I'd LOVE some fresh green beans if ya ever feel like unloading some let me know.... will they grow in a 'tropical' climate like Florida???

    Talk to ya again soon!!

  2. Greasy Bean

    Greasy Bean New Seed

    Aug 27, 2006
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    Western North Carolina
    Good Evening Kandie,
    A belated thank you for the welcome to Garden Stew family. Yes I find every one nice and friendly and very glad that we found you folks.

    I will work on getting set up on Photobucket as soon as things slow down a bit in this garden. I wanted to take a small break the evening but we decided a big fresh mess of greens would go good with some smashed potatoes and a slab of cornbread this evening so I went to fetch them for the wife to fix.

    I am not sure if the famous Greasy beans will grow in Florida or not but I see no reason why they would not because a lot of the store bought beans grow in your state and your planting dates are earlier than ours and you get very little frost if any until late in the season. I know for sure one way to find out and that would for me to send you some seed and we will know. You might even get more beans then we do. How much space can you spare for beans in your garden? It does not take a lot of room for these beans if they are on a frame and braced real good. I plan to change the design on ours next year. there was nothing wrong with the hut this year but I want to keep the neighbors guessing on what I am up to. We surprised several of them this year.

    If you were closer to us we could give you a good mess of fresh green beans and you would be hooked on them. I can not wait to see what design you use for your bean hut. We may need to get Garden Stew to have a contest to see who can come up with the most unique design. I would like to slip some seed to him so he could get in on the fun. I might just make a couple that look like the army wall tents.

    Any way I hope you have plenty of room, In the area that you and Gloria are in the two of you might be able to have a two story hut.

    Thanks again for the welcome and will see you later.
    G Bean
  3. pondlady

    pondlady Young Pine

    Aug 5, 2006
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    New Orleans, La
    Welome from New Orleans. We have snakes as well....living under our juniper bushes. I like them. Several guests have indicated they do not.

    Jan, the pondlady from New Orleans
  4. kandie

    kandie New Seed

    Aug 27, 2006
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    Famous beans!!

    Oh my.... all that talk of fresh green beans, smashed potatos and corn bread.... your making me HUNGRY!!! ;)

    I think you'd have to tell me how to create a space for growing the famous beans.... I'm kinda a novice .. just starting out and right now have just a few veggies... raddishes, okra and chives... I have a HUGE yard though.... and would love to get a nice veggie garden started... dont laugh haha, but they even have those zip up greenhouses nowadays.. would that work?? I'm not sure exactly what you mean by a 'frame'? And how to build a 'hut'? But I'd love to have some of the famous greasy beans, and add to that some tomatoes (for frying green of course;), zuccini, cucumbers... stuff I could just go pick off the vine and eat.. YUMMY... sounds like you have a BIG patch that you grow on huh? Nice ;)
    From the sounds of it...hahah it'd almost be worth the drive to get some of them ;))

    Hey, that's not a bad idea on the contest hehehe... I bet he'd love to get in on that hehehe... I think ya should PM him and see :)) Maybe the prize could be the winning picture featured on the site ;)

    Anyhoooo, I'm off to find something to eat since ya made me hungry haha.... talk to ya soon (ttys)!!


  5. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    I see we have another new member - Rebecca.

    Hi there so glad you decided to visit us here and I hope you'll make your stay with us a loooooooong one!!!

  6. southern bell

    southern bell Seedling

    Aug 27, 2006
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    South Carolina
    Greasy Bean,I don't think Kandie has seen the pics of the bean hut yet. She's in for a real treat. I'd love to see her expression when she does. Kandie, find my post.."Greasy Beans bean hut" in the members gallery.
  7. kandie

    kandie New Seed

    Aug 27, 2006
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    Bean Hut

    Hi Southern Bell (Gloria).. nope, I haven't had the pleasure yet of seeing those beautiful beans... but I'll go check out the archives later when I get home and see.. he made me sooo hungry last night just thinkin about fresh greasy beans!! LOL....
  8. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
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    Welcome to our Stew .Glad you joined us.I have a special cousin and his family lives in Goose Creek S.C. is that anywhere near you .I hear it is a very beautiful state.I would love to go there some day.
  9. southern bell

    southern bell Seedling

    Aug 27, 2006
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    South Carolina
    Hi Glendann, thanks for the welcome. Goose Creek is about 45-50 miles from me. Have some relatives there as well. There's lots of historical sites in SC. Hope you get the chance to see our state one day.
  10. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
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    I really hope I get to visit there also.Yes he has told me about the historical site.
  11. Greasy Bean

    Greasy Bean New Seed

    Aug 27, 2006
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    Western North Carolina
    Evening Gloria, Kandie & All,

    You gals will soon have a historical site after you start growing the Heirloom Greasy Beans. When word gets out people will come from far and wide just to get a glimpse of the famous Greasy Bean Huts. The TV stations may even pick up on it and you will become famous as well. Folks will start asking to buy seed from you but you can not sell any to them but you can share any extra that you have. We are not allowed to offer anything for Sell on the Garden Site or promote ourselves. It is more fun to share anyway.

    Before it rained today i picked almost a bushel of half runners to send to three different families and managed to pick a box of beans that had started drying on the vine and shelled them out for you ladies to plant next spring in your special huts.

    Are you on my list for seed? I will need to start a notebook to keep a record of every one that wants seed.
    Since you live in Texas and every thing is always bigger there You may not need to pick more than 3 or 4 beans at a time for a mess. I will try to get Gloria to post a picture of a few half runners to show how big some of them get here.

    Hope you folks are having a pleasant afternoon.

    G. Bean

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