How did you come to live where you live?

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Capt Kirk, Oct 29, 2009.

  1. tess1893

    tess1893 New Seed

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Sunshine NC zone 6-7
    Born and raised here, Sunshine NC. My family has been here since before the revolutionary war. I lived in Charlotte while in college but I'm not a city person. I live way the country, in the mountains. It a beautiful place to live. Couldn't live anywhere else.
    Growingpains and Frank like this.
  2. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Isn't it wonderful knowing and loving the place on earth where your body and soul reside? Welcome to the Stew. :stew1:
    Growingpains likes this.
  3. kate

    kate In Flower

    Oct 8, 2009
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    Waiting to move back to my roots. I hate it here, three years of solitary.

    I have to bid along with other people for a property, The chamce of getting my own old bungalow is rarer than rocking horse poo.

    No I am not in prison but it feels like it. I came to live here to be nearer to my son but I have not settled and he works all day from early to late.

    It can take many years to bond in a new has'nt happened.

    Growingpains likes this.
  4. 2ofus

    2ofus Hardy Maple

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Idaho Mountains
    I was born in Texas but we moved a lot. To Missouri several times, Illinois, back and forth to Texas in between and was stationed in France for 3 years. Up to that point it was the longest I had been anywhere. Went back to Texas where I met and married DH. He was in the military so we bounced around some more and finally settled in Eastern Wa. to raise the kids. DH worked construction so once the kids were grown I traveled with him all over the west. We finally retired in Idaho and put down roots. We did try moving to Texas again and lasted 4 years and the heat finally drove us out and we moved back to Idaho one block from our old house. We're happiest here.
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  5. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    I to have only lived in Wisconsin all of my life. Several different town but all within driving distance of each other. Hubby also is a Wisconsinite and has lived in the same area most of his life. He did go over to Australia in the 70,s to teach school out in the backcountry. After a year of that he went on a walk about and held several odd jobs. Also spent a short time in New Zealand working on an apple farm. He said he liked it there as the scenery was so beautiful.
    After 2yrs he came back to the home farm and has lived in Wisconsin ever since.

    Kate my heart goes out to you as feeling like you do not belong is horrible. I had some friends who moved to a small town. It was in early fall and the leaves where turning colors and falling to the ground. So they raked them up and put them out to the crib. In the town they came from you did that in the fall and the city workers would go around and suck them up, put them in trucks and haul them away for you.
    So they figured that all Wisconsin towns did the same. Not so. They raked their leaves to the curb on a Friday afternoon and went out of town for the weekend.
    When they returned all the leaves had been blown back onto their front lawn.
    :eek: Needless to say they moved back to their home town within a few years.
    Growingpains likes this.
  6. Clay_22

    Clay_22 Young Pine

    Jun 4, 2010
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    Wallkill,NY 6a
    Born in Newburgh NY lived in 4 places there and moved 10 miles outside of the city to Plattekill NY
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  7. Shawchert

    Shawchert In Flower

    Jun 21, 2014
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    United States
    I was born in North Carolina and moved every 3 years to different states until i was 11. Then my dad, feeling bad for his mother bought her house because she couldn't sell it *for a good reason... i really needs to be burned to the ground*. So i've lived here for over 20 years and here i'm sure to stay because as soon as I leave, i just come right back again. LOL (I'm in Upstate NY now, and no, not NYC I live 6 hours from there ;))
    Growingpains likes this.
  8. Ms kitty 01

    Ms kitty 01 In Flower

    Mar 1, 2015
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    Boise, Idaho
    I moved to idaho to be near my son and grandkids.i have been here for 4 and a half years.its home.
    Growingpains likes this.
  9. Shawchert

    Shawchert In Flower

    Jun 21, 2014
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    United States
    EDIT: This is how senile i'm going~ I forgot i already posted to this XD
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  10. Dinu

    Dinu Seedling

    Apr 21, 2015
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    Mysuru, India
    I've grown fond of saying "I am living here for 150 years." This is a rough figure. I'm in fact the 5th generation living in Mysuru. From an application draft my great grandfather had written, I found out that his father was also in the Mysuru service in the mid 19th century. My g/g/father was born in 1868, got educated here - there was a very good school/college - but for higher education he went to Bangalore and Madras [now Chennai]. My grandfather was born here in 1896, same school, colleges, but for Law he went to Bombay [now Mumbai]. My father was born in 1922, again same school. I happened to study in the same high school as my father. All were born here. I live in the house built by my g/g/f in 1911. This post comes from here!! All forefathers have worked here and now I continue. I have two daughters, so this line will break. Mysuru is a historic city, a tourist destination in south India, rich in culture, heritage, renown as a Yoga centre....
    Growingpains likes this.
  11. Growingpains

    Growingpains Young Pine

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Dinu, I'm fascinated by your history.

    Shawchert, thank you for making us feel less alone. :)

    I have probably posted ages ago how I came to live in Michigan. Born in North Carolina and raised in South Carolina, in the foothills of the Great Smokey Mountains, I always longed to know what life was like on the other side of a mountain. At 19 I came to Michigan, met the man I married, had 5 children. End of story.
  12. Brisbane Trees

    Brisbane Trees Seedling

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Brisbane, Australia
    I'm a Brisbane (Australia) local. I came to be living in the house I'm in because I was living in a sailing boat but there were a few problems with that. For one it's not considered completely socially acceptable :).

    Also, as an arborist I have equipment for removing trees and pruning them such as climbing equipment, chainsaws and a stump grinder that are hard to fit on a boat. Oh, and a truck, wood chipper, trailer, you get the idea.

    I also had a dream to breed Callistemons. I think the closest I will come to that one is distributing the seeds, which I do online I'm starting to do with customers. Hopefully they will vicariously plant and breed them for me :).

    I do have a garden bed but spend nearly all my time in other people's trees and gardens.
    Growingpains likes this.
  13. TheBip

    TheBip Young Pine

    Mar 25, 2007
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    Columbus, IN zone 6a
    The first part of my life is posted on page 2 ;)

    Heres the next leg of my journey through life-
    In Oct last year, mom and her bf decided to move to North Carolina. In March, they got married. In April, they decided to stay in NC and mom wanted to sell the house to have money for retirement which is coming up in about 2.5 years. I had a friend in Columbus who Id been spending time with, and he'd been making noises about me moving in. So when it came time for me to find a new place to live, he was more than happy to have me. So, I moved from Indianapolis, IN to Columbus, IN.
    Growingpains likes this.
  14. Pandookie

    Pandookie New Seed

    Jan 17, 2016
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    Houston Texas
    I was born & raised in New Orleans but moved to Texas with my daughters father so we could be near his family. I STILL haven't figured my way around Houston, usually avoiding downtown.. so I stick to my little town of Pasadena. I do miss Louisiana but am happy to be in Texas, just wish I knew more people here.
    Growingpains likes this.
  15. CJay

    CJay In Flower

    Apr 10, 2016
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    I was born a hundred and fifty or so miles from where we live now. Moved because the economy was stagnant where we were and new companies were opening here.
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