How did you meet your significant other?

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Frank, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. AAnightowl

    AAnightowl Young Pine

    Apr 29, 2011
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    I met my first husband in high school, and we dated our senior year.

    Later, when that marriage ended, I met my second husband in church. I had know him years earlier, but was married to #1. He fell in love with me then, but figured he could never have me [and tried to find another me]. So, when my first marriage ended and I came back into his life, he made up his mind to marry me. Unfortunately, he died of cancer a few months after our wedding.
  2. koszta kid

    koszta kid Young Pine

    May 6, 2011
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    At a bar . Asked me to dance-that was 43 years ago.
  3. waretrop

    waretrop Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Oct 8, 2011
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    north eastern Pennsylvania
    I joined a local tropical fish club and my very special person was the president. I was so taken by him I couldn't believe it.

    He has turned out to be my rock. I am so glad we met that day. I love him so much, if I may get gooey here. :D
    marlingardener likes this.
  4. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    S-H, sounds like there is comfort in the place where you are in life. Being a couple is a change in life. When you desire a change it usually comes, because we make those insignificant changes to make it happen.

    That said:

    I met my sweetie when I and my sweetie were both in the process of big changes and moving to a new state from different parts of the western US. I had gotten a small two bedroom house and needed a housemate to help pay the rent. He looked safe enough and passed my male friend's inspection, although my male friend was really hoping for a female roommate. :D Things clicked and David and I became a couple after a few months. We have both changed a lot over the years and have mellowed some. It is wonderful having someone to share and grow with.
    Frank likes this.

  5. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    S-H: I agree with Jewell's comment. All things in good time.

    Barb: I chuckled when I read you met your sweetie through a tropical fish club! I hardly know you, but that so much sounds like you! The president of the club so fits you (you are not a shirker of responsibility) and a tropical fish club-- only a gardener or someone interested in plants, animals & nature would join a tropical fish club!

    Jewell: Your comment " We have both changed a lot over the years and have mellowed some. It is wonderful having someone to share and grow with." is one I can relate to.

    Kay: Good for you! Courage pays off sometimes.
  6. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    I think you guys have missed the point slightly, but only slightly... Let me make it clear! What I was trying to say is, if you've got something good going for you - Then mark my words, someone from somewhere will crawl out from underneath a rock, just so he or she can ruin whatever you've got... Some do it out of jealousy, envy, even spite, (specially when they look at their own disgusting spouse, and then see yours and realize that you are truly lucky) - So this is when people (as a form of entertainment) start taking potshots at you and your significant other...

    They start out in a joking way, as if it's all fun and games - But I swear I can tell the difference between who is just joking and teasing, and who has got a serious malicious intent behind their actions. There is also a 3rd category here too, that of a cheap thrill seeker (the freeloader, the moocher, usually found in the significant other's camp, either as a so-called friend, or a moronic relative) - But I'll talk in detail about such people at some other time.

    So is this human nature? Perhaps so, but if yes, then why am I not like that? Maybe because I'm somewhat of a social misfit? I don't know really, and frankly speaking, it is even useless to speculate here. However what I do very firmly believe in, is this: Si vis pacem, para bellum, a Latin adage translated as, "If you want peace, than prepare for war"...

    This is why I often do not hesitate to make a real life example out of people. People who stupidly gamble, regarding just how much they can get away with (specially when it comes to interacting with me). Usually (if you are a woman) you'll think that giving a tight slap across the face of the offending person, should be enough to keep such people from crossing the line in the future. Or if you're a guy, then you'll think that a swift kick on the butt of the offending person with a steel toe cap boot - Will set everything straight for good. But that (according to me) will be a major mistake. As at some point in future, some other fool will step forward to tease you (so see how much luck they'll have with you). Therefore it is necessary to opt for a little bit of an overkill here, not to win this argument, but to make sure that there never will be anymore in the future also.

    Kind of like do it to them before they get a chance to do it to you? Well, not exactly. As we really shouldn't be going out looking for trouble. What I am saying it, if trouble finds you, then be ready to make an unimaginable example out of whoever tried to step in your way... It is however somewhat unfortunate that one needs to be carrying this type of a mindset 24/7, but for someone who is worth cherishing - I say that it's still a very small price to pay. 8)

    However that said, if I seem totally intolerant and completely inflexible when it comes to 3rd party intrusion - Then please keep in mind that I control my own camp with an even stricter iron fist! So literally heads will roll if someone (even for a second) fails to maintain proper protocol when it comes to interacting with a potential future significant other of mine...
    But there is a downside to all this brutality also. Which is that the potential future significant other may literally be scared off! However I see this as a screening process, as whoever fails to realize, or bothers to understand what I am doing, why I am doing, (and for whom I am doing) - Isn't really worth per pursuing after all.

    So as for myself, well, consider me a lost cause - Because I seriously doubt if any woman will be crazy enough to get hitched with an ultra paranoid doomsday prepper like myself. Not unless she likes the noxious smell of aerosolized gun lubricants in the morning. Accompanied with the sound of ammunition clips inserted and withdrawn, and charging bolts chambering and ejecting heavy caliber rounds, (over and over again)...

    Confused? Alright, watch this video:
    :rofl: :smt044
  7. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Ok this thread is getting off-topic. Please keep it to the original purpose.
  8. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Hehehehe... OK! :)
  9. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    In August 1977 I started 7th grade at a new school with new classmates. I walked into the room, took one look at a chap on the front row and thought: -Oh, my, he's got the warmest, most beautiful eyes!

    He claims he took one look at me and decided there and then that he would marry me when we grew up. :D We were 13 at the time.

    We became friends, then sweethearts, then friends again off and on for years. We were just too different to function together for longer periods at a time, but still kept the deep friendship. We fell in love with other people. I had a common-law husband and a daughter. He kept searching for someone like me.

    Finally, nineteen years after our first meeting, we realized we were meant to be together. We had both been through a lot during those years and were both more patient and overbearing. :D So we bought a house and married the year after, as close to our 20th meeting-each-other anniversary we could get.

    The ad in the paper said:

    -We're celebrating 20 years of friendship by getting married.

    Our wedding photo was taken by the little lake near our school. We spent hours arguing by that little lake during those three school years.

    Oh, dear. When I re-read what I just wrote it seems like a love soap, doesn't it?
    Frank, toni, Sjoerd and 3 others like this.

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