Carolyn, would be be willing to share your recipe for the hot german potato salad? My german sister-in-law, before she passed away, made the most delicious hot potato salad I'd ever tasted! She said it was a german recipe. I've tried and tried to recreate it, but it never tasted right. I'd love to give your recipe a spin, if it's not a family secret or anything!
Sure, Ronni. I'll put it in the recipe section. I actually use the recipe in my Betty Crocker cook book that I got as a wedding gift. It is looking rather sad by now, but I use it all the time.
Hooray!!! I have just managed to fix that old broken chair in the basement as well as resurrecting another from whom knows where. We now have seating for everyone. Carolyn---That cookbook must be an oldy but goody.
* Ronni packs up the chair she was going to haul to Cayuga Morning's house * We're going to be doing a card table/folding chair dance this Thanksgiving. My daughter and her husband are hosting dinner for folks on his side of the family, and as they are just starting out in their new married life, they don't have an appropriate table or chairs to accommodate the guests. So William will borrow a couple of my card tables that I have on hand for just such problems, and all the folding chairs, and they'll have create a makeshift dining room in their den. Then he'll hustle and get the tables and folding chairs back to me, for MY Thanksgiving dinner. Actually it's not that bad. For several years now, I've done Thanksgiving on Friday, not Thursday. Once my kids started families of their own, or have significant others/girlfriends etc., it became more and more cumbersome trying to schedule Thanksgiving so that the kids could come to mine AND their partner's. Paige and William for example, have 3 events they're expected at on Thanksgiving.....his parents divorced and remarried, and everyone's friendly thank God, but it means that he goes to his mother and stepdad's gathering, his Dad and stepmom's gathering, AND his grandmother's as well. Me trying to schedule around that was a nightmare! Plus, though they're nice people, they are pretty inflexible about changing anything AND get very offended if all the family don't show up. So for Paige and William to just not go to one of those dinners to make it easier to get to mine was simply NOT an option, not if William wanted to maintain friendly relations with his side of the family. Plus a couple of my boys have girlfriends who want to have thanksgiving with their families and want the boys to come along, so the obvious solution was just to schedule mine the next day. I actually LOVE it! I don't care in the least when I schedule it, just so long as everyone can get together. Plus it gives me an extra day to cook, plus no-one's watching the clock because they have to run off to be somewhere else. And the kids love it, because they can all relax with their siblings and not be worried about the time. Perfect solution!
Ronni, that does sound like a good solution and you've managed to make your family's Thanksgiving what it is supposed to be: a relaxed time getting together with friends & family.
Ronni, your Thanksgiving reflects you--flexible, happy, and lovely! The day we celebrate Thanksgiving isn't as important as that we celebrate Thanksgiving. Y'all have a happy one!
What a sweet thing to say, thanks MG. And I completely agree with you. I'm the same at Christmas time. I have zero significance on the WHEN of these celebrations. I'm the same with birthdays....we have family get togethers when any of the kids or grandkids or partners have a birthday. Sometimes these celebrations are a week after the event.....and it doesn't matter a whit! What DOES matter is just being able to gather and enjoy the time and the company. So if I have a day or week-after Thanksgiving, or Christmas or birthday, that's fine. The POINT is to give thanks, rejoice, be happy....and those emotions can and should be felt anytime, and not just on some specific calendar day.