How old is your garden?

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by jonty, May 9, 2011.

  1. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    It is hard to believe that we moved in 28 years ago to this very small, but comfy house. The yard has had many reincarnations over the years both before we were here and during our tenure here.

    We removed brambles to discover a small orchard of four fruit trees. Then planted a couple of filberts to go along with them. Someone had been a gardener at one time because the lot had two plots of horseradish, rhubarb and several wheelbarrows full of elephant garlic that had self-seeded and gone wild. There were also a line of bricks uncovered with fall crocus that ran along the edge.

    In the following years I have planted a few cherry, plum, peach and apple trees that matured and I have taken out. The original orchard of two apples, two pears and a plum are here with one other variety of apple I planted. Fir trees from the neighbors yard (south side of the property) have grown and shaded most of the yard now totally changing the micro environment.

    It was mostly raised beds and grass when my son was younger. Then we got dobermans and the sod was destroyed. We started laying pavers. The grass continued to be trampled.

    Finally in March of 2008 I started tackling the backyard and fenced a new area area the dogs couldn't get into for a vegie garden. (It had been a giant sand pit for my son and neighborhood kids to dig-in for years. I'd even planted a small privet hedge around part of it to screen the diggings from the house.)

    Other beds began to grow again as the first generation of dobies passed and the second generation wasn't as active. Hard to believe all the changes the yard has gone through.

    This in March of 2008

    March 2008 ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    March 2008 ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    Then we did this...

    Expanding woodland bed next to garden area ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    Woodland gardens ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )

    I am sure it will continue to change as plants mature, I tire of them or some die.

    Thanks for the walk down memory lane. I'll have to get out the old albums before digital and see what things really looked like back twenty years ago.
    Frank and cherylad like this.
  2. AAnightowl

    AAnightowl Young Pine

    Apr 29, 2011
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    The house I live in was built in 1920, and added onto a few times. Originally, it was 4 rooms and a path. We tore down the old outhouse shortly after we moved here as it was no longer functional. I let the kids use the scrap lumber for a treehouse in the woods. This property was trashed when we moved her in '87, since I am a bit of a neat freak, I began cleaning it up before I even moved in. After a few months, the owner offered me owner financing. We had a lot of trash hauled away, did tons of mowing, clearing brush and brambles. There used to be an old apple orchard with the very best apples. All 13 trees are gone now, the last one came down last winter. I have replanted with cherry, pear, & peach so far. I have expanded the yard to approx 3 acres out of 8. I now have about 30+ flower beds plus a veggie garden. The grapevine that was on the ground for many years is up on the jungle gym my boys left behind and happy. I have no idea what kind of grapes, but they are small and purple and taste similar to concords. I have wild flowers mixed in with my tame ones. If I like them, they stay. I also have mulberry and crabapple trees. There are so many kinds it would take a very long post to name the ones that I can name. I have over 35 different kinds of wild birds that frequent my yard and feeders. Things like the irises, daffodils, daylilies and many others were here when I moved here. Other things like my tiger lilies, some of my hostas, ferns, etc were given to me by friends. Some of the hostas, rose bushes and such I have bought. How old is my garden ? I have no idea how to figure that one out.

    jungle gym bird feeder ( photo / image / picture from AAnightowl's Garden )

    bluebird house in the grapevines ( photo / image / picture from AAnightowl's Garden )

    a few of my daffies ( photo / image / picture from AAnightowl's Garden )

    a few of my Jerusalem artichokes and a bug ( photo / image / picture from AAnightowl's Garden )

    my first hollyhocks ( photo / image / picture from AAnightowl's Garden )

    It took me over 20 years to get hollyhocks to grow in my garden. I love them.
    Frank, Jewell and cherylad like this.

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