Birds Thanks Droopy & Netty, Yes they are Juno......I never seen one up close, and it is veryyyyyyyyyyyy hard to take a photo . cause they fly........ I cant wait to get a squirrel....Robin and all the critter who roam around here in the spring. b
Yes it is a dark eyed junco, slate colored strain. No such thing as a black headed junco in North America. They are also commonly called snowbirds. 1 because when it snows the sky is gray and ground is white, and the birds top is gray and bottom white. Also just before or after a snow they come in large locks to feeders. I counted 50+ once. They like to eat off the ground under feeders. If you want to attract them, anyone put out a mix with lots of millet right on the ground. Here are a bunch after a snowstorm last winter. The seed is a mix of thistle millet and sunlower chips.
That's so funny you say that Wrennie...I've noticed that they gather in larger numbers under my feeder after those sloppy Blue Jays are done. But they are out there even during the nastiest of winter storms. The last few days the wind has been so strong that it has been emptying the feeder and they are all over the ground cleaning it up. They also know the sound of me shaking the seed in the container before I fill the feeder! After I put the new seed in, 2 Junco's sit on either side of the feeder and knock some onto the ground for the others. They are funny to watch.
Great pictures Barb.I would not like to have to wonder if I go out to check things out at night to come face to face with a black bear.That scary.I go out to my green house and to my candle house all hours of the night.
eek Black bears, I did come face to face with momma bear and 2 cubs. I was on a bicycle ....Wow did I turn and head for home fast. Last time I rode bike.