My heart goes out to you on the stings you recieved, am very glad you had no side effects from them! If the nasty critters have a nest you can locate, it's best to spray them at night when they're inactive and a bit logy due to the cooler temps. Aren't really capable of swarming then like during daylight hours when they can locate a "victim" easier, a good spray will get a whole bunch at once! Also, growing a comfrey plant in your yard is a real Godsend for stings of any of the flying attackers: just crush the stems to get sap running, apply crushed stem and all directly to bite site, hold there severeal minutes. Believe it or not, will alleviate the swelling, hurting, and discomfort of bee, wasp, hornet, yellowjacket or mosquito bites. Good luck on your erradication of the tenacious things..BE CAREFUL, okay?
Please be careful around the bees. I think W-n-S had the idea of waiting till nite. they're not as active then. Good luck with your pears but please be careful.
Thanks all of you for your concerns.I will wait to get this later in the evening.I am really sore today and one spot it swollen fairly bad buts its better than last night.
Youch Glenda, and double youch! Being a jobbing gardener, I do get stung during the course of a year, but I hate it every time and some seem to be worse than others. Here in Essex they seem to be out with avengance, I guess their nests are closing down so they just want to be pests! I hope you are feeling better.
How are you feeling today? I know you are sore. Wait till almost dark to do your deed. Since it has been cooler today, tonight should be a good night. Let us know how it goes.
I waited and waited to go get umm and I couldn't find my wasp bomb.I'll buy one tomorrow and do it tomorrow evening.I had 2 cans could find either one.