I agree with Toni, it does look like the Carolina Geranium. I've got scattered patches growing in the front yard. Very pretty yet tiny pink flowers.
Thanks Jon. The thing is, this plant's leaves grow in sets of 5, not so much in a rosette. It would probably top out at about 18 -24 inches high and grows very fast and branches up and out rather than creep. I have never seen it bloom or even get a bud. Does the carolina geranium grow like that? When does the carolina geranium bloom?
No the Geranium is more a low growing creeper reaching only about 4 to 5 inches high, and the ones here are blooming now. I'm not sure about yours though, the leaves kind of remind me of some sort of mustard, but I could be wrong. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
Mustard... hmm. It's a mystery. Probably a mystery weed. I wonder if I can eat it? Maybe Biita will weigh in.
The Carolina Geranium can get up to 28 inches tall, mine was on it's way there when the squirrel got it. And it's leaves are divided into 5-9 segments. More info here.... Carolina Geranium
reminds me of one of the wood anemones or maybe white avens- geum ??? their habit seems more anemone-like
I believe your flower is a verbeena plant I believe your flower is a verbeena plant I have the same one in my garden I parted it the other day, and made 3 out of it. its really a nice flower. I think you will like it. Margie
Thanks for more ideas Margie and BubbleOffPlum. When would I expect to see a bud or a bloom? I'm going to keep watching for now. I wandered through the nursery today and it does looke a little like one of the geum (?) they had. Also a little like a bleeding heart leaf, though I know that's not it.