I went shopping...again

Discussion in 'Member's Gallery' started by carolyn, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Busy huh, Barb? now what could you be doing that kept you so occupied? all I do is eat bon bons and read romance novels :D :rolleyes: and the garden is picked polished and packed all by itself...yeah right! Today was a quiet day...may back is killing me I must have done something while slinging the crates of watermelon on Saturday. I hope it feels better tomorrow. anyway... not 200 hens for me. The coop isn't big enough. I am thinking with this last batch maybe I am back up to 60 or so. Right now they are laying about 2 dozen eggs a day since they are molting. I can't afford to even consider 99.00 for a hen. I have had the hawks pestering the yard for a few days and I am sure I have lost a few to them this Summer.GRRR! I got the sling shot out this weekend. I am sure I can't hit the broad side of a barn, but at least it will go farther than my hand throw and at least scare them a little.

    Mart...that is exactly why I would never order straight run chicks. NO WAY do I want 70 roos in my back yard. The neighbors would probably kill me before they are ready to butcher. and leghorns? those are the lightest weight birds available. not much meat on them. your poor mom. What a lot of work for that meat.

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