We also had the artesian well filled so it would stop flowing and then we dug out the tank. A well driller told us it would cost thousands of dollars to bring it up higher and have it look better . We are in a flood zone and have to bring the property and house up to a certain height. It was a messy thing to look at as it was and now we plan on using the tank maybe as a burning area. The well wasn't flowing very strong so we would not have been able to use it in the house, Plus it had a high arsenic level. It passed the test but I wouldn't feel comfortable drinking it or letting my dogs drink from it. Here it is , really an easy set up to do...
Sherry,..a wise decision not to use that water,..a high Arsenic Level would put anyone off,..even though it passed the test,..drinking any level of Arsenic could build up in a persons system.
Philip...it made me nervous just thinking my little Chihuahua could get into it and my other large dog. Miss Shadow is a big drinker and it would of been impossible to keep her out of it with it being so nice and cold. So far it looks like it sealed just fine and no water showing up. I think we will use the container for an oblong fire pit for just burning wood, etc. that comes on shore.
Good thinking Sherry,..you certainly get thing done fast and in the right order,..yes a stitch in time............