Identifying Russian Tree

Discussion in 'Trees, Shrubs and Roses' started by Iris TreeHugger, Jul 9, 2016.

  1. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Okay, let's work on identifying the seed. Below is a photo of Nasturtium seeds, they range in size from roughly 1/4th of an inch to almost 3/8ths of an inch and can be a dark brown or very light. Plant seeds can range from the size of a grain of sand to the size of the beans you eat for supper.


    Now, by saying it was the size of a small cone.....what kind of cone. check out the photos of cones on this link.

    Seeds do not sprout quickly, they first put out roots then when the roots are strong enough the above ground part of the plant comes up. That usually takes from 10-14 days depending on the plant it is creating. Most seedlings require one to two months of growth before flowering, that also depends on what the seed is creating.

    A new tree will not produce a flower for sometimes years after germination, they have to be quite large before that happens. So if this is a tree, you have quite a while to wait for flowers. And then some trees do not produce a flower at all.

    Did he give the same kind of seed to all the students or did you each get a different one?
    Islandlife, Frank and Philip Nulty like this.

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