set another 30ish or so out tonight... we plant a lot of tomatoes here (us stewbies)... I wonder how many altogether we plant... and what would be the yield of all of them put together.... I have about 75 in the high tunnels and another 120ish out in the garden... and I need to still get in one more row of cherries and misc.. and one row of pastes...My oh my how many pounds??? and that is only mine here...
Sjoerd, thanks for the tomato planting directions again. I did not realize there is a difference in the roots....feeder vs. deeper roots for water.
Carolyn, I use tomatoes as they ripen. I would have to weigh each one and write it down. I sort of wish I had all your tomato plants. I would be at heaven's door. LOL I know you do more commercial growing, right?
yeah, I grow to take to farmers markets and to sell at the roadside stand I have here. and I never seem to have enough space to get all of them in that I want to try, either.
Great, GP--I am hoping that you will have great success with those. You have set out quite a few there! You are welcome. Sounds good, CAROLYN. Thanks for that tip, MART--I shall have a peek.
Mart, my daughter bought seeds for me on ebay. Thank you for the idea. Today I "Grabbled" (A southern expression) for potatoes and found them to be very small and the soil drier than expected. So much water carried for potato patch and awhile to wait before digging. I set out a few Sunflowers. Sprayed Brassicas and roses with garlic water. Yesterday I added Epsom salt to the base of peppers and tomatoes. I may have posted this already, but we tend to repeat things as we age.
You are right about that. We have a word here, "grabbelton"-- it means something like, "grab bag". A bucket of something like that with prizes in it for kids. They may stick their hands down into it without looking and pull something out for themselves. I sometimes jokingly refer to the dish-washing container as a grabbelton.
Sjoerd, you speechless? I predict that will never happen. I'm happy to have learned more regarding "Grabbling".
Heh,heh,heh...GP you may be right about that. There is always so much one can learn on here, isn't there. I see new stuff and hear about different ways of doing things all the time. It's one of the pluses of being a member here. Naturally meeting the members is a great pleasure for me.