Wow mate! That is great, and it says alot about the quality of your corn...another reason to be proud. Did Becky try and confiscate the ears to do something special with the corn herself? I'll bet that she could come uip with something exotic.
KKNg, its too late in the northern hemishpere to alay your concerns for this year. IMO your corn looked fine. Hm, where to start. Corn and in particular F1 hybrid sweet corn are profoundly inbred. IMO other (se) corn is pretty good for a new grower. Chinese glutenous corn might be an interesting trial for you in upcoming years. Growing three sisters; Corn, beans, squash, is a very old fashioned horticultural practice, best suited for dried corns for hominy, dried beans, and (hard) winter squash. My family ate 'green corn' when corn was at 'milk' stage out of feild corn parentage (as part of our new years in August), but wrestling it out of a three sisters patch is bothersome. Modern practice for corns is to separate it from pole beans and squash. Yes, as other posters note, block planting corn will help it to wind pollinate better than long rows.
Thanks Coppice, I love eating green corns too!!! Something I found out when I first started planting corn. Can't really do much at the moment due to the raining weather here now. maybe next month I can plant another batch