Oh my, Eileen--I suppose that I am next over here. The snow pics were nice to see in spite of the fact tht I'm not ready for it...it made me think of the words to a little Bluegrass tune.... I traced her little footprints in the snow--I found her little footprints in the snow. I bless that happy day when Nellie lost her way.... For I found her when the snow was on the ground. Ok, ok--I'll stop singing.
Snow Oh Eileen that looks so cold, I don't care much for snow even though it's beautiful. If I was rich and could just stay home and look at it that would be great, because it is pretty. But there isn't much I can do about it is there? Oh Well!! Have a good evening Margie
When I lived in Wisconsin we had a lot of snow every year, upward of 50 to 60 inches and somes years much more. I didn't even mind shoveling it until there was no where to shovel it to. Some years there were drifts higher than we were. But now, I can live very well without it. I'm very happy to give it to anyone who wants it. Not that we have any here. It's only snowed twice here since we moved to Texas two years ago and that's fine with me. dooley
We've had more snow overnight. Can you tell? Here's my pond - well it is there somewhere. It's still snowing. We'll soon have around 18" of the white stuff. Guess who's staying home today?
Oooohhhhh.... oh, Eileen, looking at it is making me nervous.... I'm not ready for winter yet and I know it is just around the corner. Didn't we just do this snow thing???? Heat up some tea and stay warm. It's a good day to stay inside. 18 inches... my, my.
Eileen,..we have snow here today as well,..not a lot mind you,..but there will be more here in Ireland.
That's too much at one time. If you have to have snow just an inch at a time, please. And no more until that melts. But the pictures are pretty. dooley
Bbbr. I shan't tell the kids as we have it forecasted, but nothing yet, still bone dry in Essex. They will be livid if they wake up and we don't have any, especially as their cousins in Kent have had loads.
This was taken this afternoon: The fence in the picture is three and a half foot high. The hedge has completely disappeared. It's still snowing and getting deeper by the minute. If this keeps up all night we'll have to tunnel our way out of the front garden.
You know, you could share some of that with me Even if it melts in the package before getting here that's fine, we need the rain too.
Still snowing????? Three and a half feet!!!! Unbelievable. Maybe you'll get all of it and the rest of us (except Droopy and Bunkie and Netty) will be spared.
It's looking pretty heavy there now, Eileen. We got out fiorst snowfall today...and it's still lyin' there looking lovely and cold.
Eileen,..just listening to the news on SKY,..its not letting up!,..lots more to come,..guess which direction its going?,..towards us,..must stock up on food,..smile!.
I just hope you don't get the amount we have Philip. The airport is closed, no traffic on the roads and most folks are staying inside. Four feet deep now and still counting......
Oh my goodness, tell it to stop Eileen... Or wait, maybe you're liking it? I hope you went to the grocery before it started...