Jewell's Gardening Bits

Discussion in 'Member's Gallery' started by Jewell, May 18, 2014.

  1. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Thank you everyone for your kind comments. I do love gardening and could bore the socks off most talking and showing photos. It is wonderful to have a community of Gardener's to share my yard with.

    Cayuga Morning, bear grass is a native plant. I thought of trying to transplant some from our cabin to home but understand it can be sensitive to moves. I found a nursery that gathers seeds and starts plants from wild collected seeds. One of my more extravagant purchases, but reminds me of hunting season in the primitive areas with my folks as a kid. The Latin name is Xerophyllum tenax is a grasslike perennial in the family Melanthiaceae, closely related to lilies.

    Carolyn, you may be correct about having to use mulch. The British Columbia ginger is looking like it is going to be successful under some hostas, but I can't have it everywhere. A monoculture would be a little boring to me. I'll keep trying different plants though.

    Cherylad, can't wait to see your clematis. I am sure you will find the perfect way to show it off.

    Sjoerd, I thought you'd appreciate the aquilegias. You gave me the variety name, Barlow, so I was able to refresh my doubles. Thank you muchly.

    I appreciate you all. It feels good to share my love and you all are so very kind with your comments.

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