Pac— ahhhh, I see you know them well. It is a real beauty. You have such a good selection of plants, don’t you.
Here is an update on the lavender seedlings. I separated and potted the first group into individual cells, in actual potting mix. The front four are "Bandera Deep Rose", a very compact, modern variety. The back four are "Vicenza Blue", probably not as small, but not huge either. There are more Vicenca Blue from this batch to separate and pot. Then in a few weeks, the second batch.
I like updates. Aren’t those chappies looking smart. I have to admit that I have had dismal success with the propagation of lavender. To be fair, Lavender is not the perfect plant for our climes here in West-Friesland. It is perhaps a bit too cool and so very moist. I have grown some in my garden, but they did not live many years. I have noticed that other gardens on our terrein can grow Lavender and it flourishes for them. The difference is that their plots are a tad sandy and of poorer quality. Ach well. I can admire from a distance. So mate…..respect.