Looking for ideas and advice in decorating this condo

Discussion in 'Interior Design' started by garpinc, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. garpinc

    garpinc New Seed

    Feb 15, 2013
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  2. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    Yes! What do you think? I personally like the look: crisp, minimal, goes well with a city condo. You should be able to adjust the louvers so you get the right amount of light.
  3. garpinc

    garpinc New Seed

    Feb 15, 2013
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    Only issue would be that we don't have that view. Any other opinions on this. Also that one I found was Australian vendor anyone know where to go for similar sort of thing in us?
  4. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    Well I agree with a lot of the advice you have been given so far. I definitely would do colorful large area rugs in all the rooms. Different patterns, similar colors. Do not be afraid of using bright colors for paint colors. Maybe just an accent wall in a dark peach or adobe color. So many people freak out as soon as they put some paint on the wall. Paint the whole wall and then see how it looks. If you do not like it just repaint.
    Not sure about your budget. But you can get automatically opening blinds or roman shades that will open up from the top to the bottom or from the bottom to the top.
    No cords for any little ones to get tangled in. You can lower the blinds and open the louvers at any height in the window.
    I think Roman shades would go along with your contemporary look. But don't be afraid to mix in other deco looks as well. Something that would look really spectacular would be a vintage looking glass chandelier over your dinning room table. Don't get stuck with just one look as it can become somewhat boring.
    I would place the TV on the solid wall, as it looks rather out of place where it is. You could put a large book shelf-TV console on the solid wall. Book shelves part way down with doors and storage beneath them on either side. Put the TV in the middle on a lower storage unit that has just doors or drawers for storage below it. Or if you have a flat screen. It can be mounted to the wall just over the storage unit.
    Then you could place part of the sectional in the middle of the space that is open to the area behind it. The back of it would face your dining area. Then put a lower coffee table behind the it, and place some really neat looking lamps on either end so you can sit and read on the sofa. You can put a vase of flowers or whatever deco's you like between the lamps. That will break up the space so it doesn't look like a long bowling alley.
    Then place the rest of the sectional on the other walls between the windows with low coffee tables between the other pieces, and lamps on them.
    From looking at the pic are your heating vent located in the ceiling? I see vents up there. If that is the case you should put in a ceiling fan so your heat, and air conditioning is circulated better. The temp in your apt. would stay more consistent.
    I too love all the windows you have. Hope some of my suggestions helped some. It looks like a very nice space to work with.

  5. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Check out cellular shades. They would go well with the metro style, many are cordless (can even have remotes) and should meet condo rules. Neighbors have some and they are attractive, plus theirs can be lowered or raised from top or bottom.
    carolyn likes this.
  6. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Jewell, excellent choice. But I am looking at them and not seeing that they are fire retardant. Maybe I am looking in the wrong places, too.

    Blinds now come "child safe" . Mine (children) are too old for me to worry over, but I didn't stress out over the cords when they were little either. I didn't keep the crib next to a window with a blind. When the blinds are up and the string is down low, bundle it up and put a twisty tie or rubber band around it if you are worried about safety. The fire retardant issue may make it a little more difficult/expensive to find.

    http://www.selectblinds.com/shop-by-fea ... ystem.html

    http://www.blinds.com/control/keywordSe ... ant+blinds

    Here are few places for child safe an/or fire retardant. Check them out. See what you think.
  7. garpinc

    garpinc New Seed

    Feb 15, 2013
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    I like the cellular shades..

    That has promise. Does everyone here agree or have opinions about cellular shades?

    Going to have to see if they fit inside or outside and also if they can come with two different colors one on the outside and one on the inside.

    Also I am a bit worried since even though they may not harm a child, a child might be able to damage them since my windows will be pretty low to the ground and hence so will be the shades. Any experience here?

    Also any ideas on the color for the inner sides of the shades?
  8. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    I like all those options! I particularly like the first website with the cellular shades. Very clean and contemporary, would go well with your furniture. Don't they also provide some insulating value? Re color choice, you can go white & have the wall a color or try to match the shades to the wall paint for a color on color look.

    Re protecting the shades from baby predation, I don't know. My kids never damaged stuff, and my son was hyperactive (still is, he runs everywhere). But some kids can be very hard on things and do need more active parenting. So, I don't know.

    I think your condo will look lovely when you get it all together.
  9. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    Carolyn those are some really nice shades. Glad you know how to post links with your articles. I never got the hang of it. :D
  10. garpinc

    garpinc New Seed

    Feb 15, 2013
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    There were a lot of different shades in that first page. Any particular one in mind?
  11. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    The only thing I could not find was if they were fire retardant. But I like them all. My thought is go with what is in your budget since once they are up you aren't going to look at them every day and wish for the 9/16ths size over the 3/4" size or the cream floral motif over the off white floral motif... It looks as if they will send you samples so maybe try them and see what they will send for you to feel and see the actual material. As for children....train them up. they quickly learn there are things that can be touched and things that are not to be touched. You don't need to move every last item out of reach of your child. that doesn't teach them to be respectful of objects that belong to others or are no-no's. Teach your child to look with their eyes and not their hands. and don't stress too much over it. The baby stage will be the easiest part of having a family. Dirty blinds will not be something you remember when they are grown. I remember my son getting the cup off the wooden table I was working on refinishing and taking a swig of paint thinner...do i remember what I had on the windows for curtains/blinds? nope.

    Let us know what you decide.
  12. garpinc

    garpinc New Seed

    Feb 15, 2013
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    I talked to the company in the first link. They claim "everything we have has been fire rated."

    For my windows since they span ~96" they say I'd need:
    http://www.selectblinds.com/cellularsha ... ades.html#

    What do you think and and color recommendations?

    They claim if i'm not getting motorized option "2 shades would be better than 1 large one. It makes moving the shades up and down easier, they tend to last longer, look better without the extra weight, etc."

    I'm thinking it's better to do motorized with the full window width. Any opinions?

    Looks like for those 3 windows it will basically cost me about ($318 x 3 shades) + ($280 x 3 motors) + $70 remote control = $1864 and it's buy 3 get one free so I guess I'll be able to do one of the bedrooms for free

    They say motors last about 10 years and they are covered under warranty for life so if we were to need a new one they'd pay to replace it.

    They are sending me a good set of samples so I'll let you know what I think when i see them.
  13. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    I honestly did not know you could buy motorized and remote control blinds. :eek:.

    Are you re painting the rooms? if so choose what matches the new paint or if not select something that you like, but still complement the colors in the room. Natural or neutral. You are looking at it, not us. We want to keep you as a friend not have you think we steered you wrong on the color. Confer with your spouse on color, unless said person is color blind or just doesn't care what the colors are, just don't stress too much if you both don't agree on the "perfect" color (there is no such thing). We had a remodeling project at church not long ago and along with that came a new color scheme since there was much to re do. I didn't pick the colors and I am glad I don't have to look at it every day. I love my church, but not the colors someone else chose. Others think it is awesome. We all have different likes/dislikes. Which is good, otherwise we would never be surprised when someone gets us a gift.
  14. Donna S

    Donna S Hardy Maple

    Feb 15, 2010
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    I have those blinds in my livingroom. They make a big difference if its hot or cold. Saves a lot on heating and air condidtioning bills.
  15. garpinc

    garpinc New Seed

    Feb 15, 2013
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    Excellent.. Are your's motorized? Other than the insulation what are your thoughts on aesthetics?

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