She has such a soft sweet little face.I think her color is so pretty. She is seems right at home now.
Within a week Birdie has taken to the 2 dogs of ours. This morning I came into the room and the small cairn terrier and Birdie were sleeping in my chair...and she is forever rubbing on them. The big yellow lab is kind of surprised or has the look that she doesn't understand what is going on...but she doesn't move... she is fitting in just like she was made for us.... Sherry
I am so pleased Birdie has taken to the dogs Sherry, although I had no doubt that she would. I am sure your yellow lab will join in soon.
How about that? I am so glad for all of you. I'd love to see the dog and cat sleeping together. That would tickle me! I've had Austin (cat # 2) since December and he and Missy (cat # 1) are still not "friends..." I don't think they ever will be. I think dogs and cats get along better than cats and cats...
I think the yellow lab is just a little scared of the cat...she is a big baby and when the cat swings that paw and not knowing if she is playing or not is keeping her in suspense...Our old cat when she was here ruled the house..every dog we had for the 18 years we had her knew that. Tigger used to like to box with them but she was declawed. Sherry
Isn't it funny -- the biggest ones can be the biggest babies! I was at the vet on Saturday and there was a BIG American bulldog who cried the whole time he was in the waiting room. All the other dogs were looking at him like he was silly. Austin is a big baby for a cat. Missy is just plain fiesty!