Thanks to my mother's insistence that even, say, a Sulphur Shelf (sometimes called Chicken of the Woods) is dangerous unless bought in the grocery store, I rarely eat wild mushrooms with my family. Besides, the ones I usually find would appear to be dangerously poisonous species.
Here is Chicken in the woods.I took this in Sept. Chicken in the woods. ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden )
My parents also gathered mushrooms. They are so good sauteed in butter. Commercially grown ones don't compare.
You people are so lucky; my parents won't go near a mushroom unless it's in the grocery store, so when I eat wild mushrooms with my family, they are invariably commercially picked, dried, grocery-store wild mushrooms. Besides, there is the fact that I have never found anything I even vaguely believe was an edible species.